Chapter Four: Deceit

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Lucy POV

The area outside of the tunnel was covered in a heavy fog. It was hard to see anyone further than a meter away, so most of the remaining applicants were crowded together. Me included.

"Mr Satotz, is this where the second phase of the exam starts?" Gon approached the examiner.

"No, we still have quite a way to go." He stated.

Oh joy, more running! Keeping up with Satotz was a challenge by itself, but this time we wouldn't even be able to see him through the fog...great.

"Is this our destination?" Kurapika and Leorio finally emerged from the tunnel, drenched in sweat. It was a relief that they'd kept up, earlier I wasn't so sure that Leorio would make it. I guess I underestimated him.

"Sadly, not." I answered, gesturing to the fog around us.

"I see." Kurapika sighed.

"Ahem," Satotz cleared his throat , "This is Swindlers swamp. We must cross it if we wish to arrive at the second phase. But, be warned, this place is home to many bizarre animals that deceive humans and prey upon them. You must be careful, for if you're fooled by're dead."

I almost shivered, that guy really knew how to psych people out. I didn't know what the animals in this world were like, so I didn't know what to expect.

"These wetland creatures will use every trick in the book to fool their prey. Stay very close to me so you won't be deceived." The examiner concluded his explanation.

Deceit, huh? Maybe the creatures here had some sort of illusion powers. That could cause trouble for some of the more meat-headed people here.

Most the applicants didn't seem phased though, and were acting cocky. Laughing and boasting about how they wouldn't get fooled.
I turned to Hisoka, to see his reaction. He was just tapping his chin and smiling. Ah, so this was the type of thing that excited him. Creepy as always.

"Don't let them fool you!" A man came from the fog and pointed at Satotz, "He's lying, I'm the real examiner! He's an imposter" The new man accused.
Confused and Skeptical murmurs broke out amongst the group. We hadn't even started running and we were already getting tricked.

"It's a Man-Faced Ape, one of the creatures
that dwell in the wetlands! They love the taste of human flesh. He intends to trap every single applicant!" The new man yelled and spread panic throughout the group.

"That bastard!" An applicant sneered. Most people backed away from Satotz, eyeing him with suspicion. Only Hisoka, I and a few others stayed still. Couldn't they see what was happening?


I flinched as a flurry cards zipped past my face, almost brushing my skin. One sped towards the new man and pierced his throat. The other was headed it the direction of Satotz, who caught just before it hit him. I immediately turned to Hisoka with shock, if I was a few centimetres closer then I'd be dead!

"Was that necessary?" I sweatdropped. I appreciated Hisoka getting rid of the imposter, but he really had to watch those cards. He could've taken my eye out!

He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you~ I was simply confirming that Satotz is the real one. Any hunter deserving of the title, would've been able to block that attack with ease."

"Just be careful where you fling those things." I let out an exasperated breath. His methods were unconventional, but he did have had the right idea.

"I understand your reasoning. However, should you attack me again, for any reason, I will report you and you will be immediately disqualified. Understood?" Satotz looked sharply at Hisoka, meaning every word.

Hisoka nonchalantly hummed in understanding and Satotz carried on talking,
"Now, we'll be encountering things like that regularly, so stay on your guard. If you loose sight of me just once, you won't be able to get to the next phase. Now, let us carry on."

Everyone anxiously nodded, now aware that they weren't as immune to the creatures as they thought they were. This time, failure wouldn't just mean failing the exam, it would mean death.
So off we went again, now plodding through the harsh terrain of the swamp, the slimy water splashing up to my knees and filling my boots. I felt bad for Hisoka, the guy was in heals for Mavis' sake! I didn't have a clue how he could run in those.

But there was something that had been bugging me about him though. Not the heals, something else.
Just now, Hisoka had killed that creature because it was going to kill us. And earlier Tonpa said that last year Hisoka killed an examiner because he didn't like them. Though I wasn't sure to why didn't like the examiner.

So, I was curious to why Hisoka had turned that man's arms into flower petals back there. I wanted to know if there was any rhyme or reason to Hisoka's attacks.
Did this mystery of a man have a moral compass?

Once again, my curiosity got the best of me and I turned to face the tall man beside me.
"Hisoka, I know you won't tell me how. But why did you turn that man's arms into petals earlier?"

I had to know if he had a reason.

"Why because he was rude~he bumped into me and didn't even apologise." Hisoka explained as if it were obvious.

So he tormented him for just being rude?

I'd been hoping that he'd had good reason, but I guess not.
It was almost laughable.
If I hadn't apologised to Hisoka back then, would he've hurt me too? I couldn't be sure.

"Ah, okay then." I responded unsurely, not really knowing what to say to him. I didn't want to be like 'oh yeah, torturing people for being rude totally makes sense!'. But I also, for some odd reason, didn't want to reprehend him and push him away. I was too curious now.

But I did need a little space, being with Hisoka for the last few hours had been an overwhelming experience. And I needed to think things over.
I told him that I was tired and was gonna run a little slower, so I'd catch up with him later. He believed me.
I dropped back to Gon and the others, not wanting to be completely alone in the fog. Safety in numbers was my best bet. And their presence was comforting.
It didn't take long for Hisoka's figure to completely disappear into the fog and out of sight. But not out of mind.
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter😩Next one has a lot of drama tho🤭

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