Chapter Six: Pig Wrangling

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Lucy POV

After more hours of tedious running, my new found friends and I had finally made it to the second phase. My legs were burning and ready to give out, so I hoped that this new phase wouldn't be as physically taxing. Not that I minded the burning, it helped to distract me from my thoughts, which had been at odds with themselves since my...argument with Hisoka. He'd made it to this phase too, I'd seen him pass the finish line. I didn't congratulate him though. I hadn't said a word to him since what had happened in the fog.

"Will all passing applicants please enter?"
A woman with oddly styled green hair stepped forwards, ushering us in through large gates, with some sort of giant man behind her. She introduced herself as Mench, and the behemoth man behind her as Buhara. They were certainly an odd pair.

"I'm sure you all want to know what the second phase is, and I'm happy to tell you that it's cooking!" The female examiner clapped her hands together with excitement.

Cooking huh? Cooking didn't seem like a very hunter-y activity. I turned to the others with confusion. They looked just as lost as me, sharing the same befuddled sentiment.
The roman scowled down us, having noticed the skeptical consensus of the crowd.
"No complaining.The main ingredient is pork, so it's time to go pig hunting!" She pointed toward the forest that lay on the hill besides us.

Ah, hunting pigs, that made far more sense. And how hard could it be? I'd already dealt with a frog monster.

"Let's find the biggest pig we can!" Gon pumped his fist, already raring to go.
"Right!" Killua and I grinned back, trying to match his high energy, even if I wasn't as excited as he was.

"I can smell something in this direction." Gon hurried off into the trees and we followed his lead- knowing his sense of smell was usually on point.

The forest itself was surprisingly peaceful; no giant frogs or man-apes this time- thank Mavis. But, annoying, there was no sign of any pigs either.

"Guys over here-" Gon called out to us, but was cut off by tripping down a steep slope.

"Gon! Are you okay" Killua yelled as we all ran after him. And one by one, we all tumbled down the slope. First Killua, then me, then Kurapika, then Leorio- all in a heap on the ground. Thankfully no one was injured, apart from a few bruises and scratches here and there.

"I was right! The pigs are over here!" Gon cheered, motioning over to some giant pigs.
They looked like some sort of hippo-pig hybrids, with enormous mouths that could probably snap any human in half. I could imagine them eating me more than I could imagine myself eating them.

"Are you sure these things are pigs?" I raised an eyebrow skeptically. I'd seen stranger things than this, but still.

"Are they...chewing on bones?" Kurapika backed away and the pigs heads snapped upwards. Their beady eyes were trained on us like we were about to be their dinner. And I did not like the sound of that.

"Oh god..." Leorio voiced everyone's thoughts.

"Run!!" We quickly got on our feet and scrambled back up the hill, the pigs charging after us.

"These things are fast!" Leorio panicked.

"They can't be that strong," Some random applicant gloated, "I'm sure I could beat some sense into it."

Buffing up his chest, the guy attempted to punch one of the pigs in the nose and promptly got sent flying. I couldn't say I felt bad him, that's just what stupidity gets you.

Needing a chance to think, I looked for a place where the pigs couldn't reach me. I managed to pull myself up onto a nearby tree branch, just about swinging my legs up before the pigs could snap at my boots. I breathed a quick sigh of relief and tried to brainstorm some ideas.

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