Chapter Twenty: Reasons and Revelations

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Lucy POV

"Oh my God, this place is amazing!" I bubbled with excitement as Hisoka led me into the hotel room he'd booked us- well, it was more than just a room. The bathroom alone looked about as big as my apartment, having a large hot tub situated in the corner and a full length mirror beside it.
Hisoka seemed amused at my excitement.
"Only the best for our little holiday~"

"You call this little?" I explored the suite, discovering a rather large balcony- which was more like one of those fancy roof top gardens.

"I thought you grew up in a mansion, shouldn't you be used to all this?~" Hisoka chuckled, following me out onto the balcony and gazing down at the city below.

"That was a long time ago now, I've lived in a tiny apartment for past few years- not that I didn't like it or anything. It was way more of a home than my dad's house." I thoughtfully recalled my little apartment in Fiore. It'd been the first place I'd willingly called home- so it would always be special to me.
"Do you stay in places like this a lot?"

"Mmh, I tend to not stay put for long~ I'm not the sentimental type. But having a place like that does sound nice."

"It's nice until three of your friends sneak into your bed and raid your fridge." I laughed,
thinking back to how cramped it'd gotten.

"Your friends sound like interesting people~."Hisoka chuckled back.

"They were- are, I mean...I think you'd get along with them."  I smiled uncertainly, almost slipping up and referring to them in past tense.

They are my friends? or they were my friends? I wasn't sure. It's not like we weren't friends anymore, but I didn't know if I'd ever see them again...

Ah, that was still depressing to think about. Though the thought didn't make me feel hollow like it had. I mean, it still hurt, but it didn't tear me apart like it had before I'd come here.
Baby steps, I supposed.

I raised my head to see that Hisoka frowning was at me- he must've noticed my sudden change in mood. Way to go me. I didn't want to bum Hisoka out with my troubles. I quickly plastered a smile on my face, shaking off my thoughts. This was a holiday and I was going to enjoy it. "I'm gonna go run a bath, I gotta try out that hot tub."

A mischievous glint flickered across his eyes as he smirked down at me. "Oh?~ Can I join?"

"Hmm, maybe next time." I teased, waltzing away into the bathroom. I can't deny that the idea was appealing, but I wasn't about to let Hisoka see me naked for the first time when I was still grimy from the exam. I'd only gotten chance to wash my face on the train and I hadn't even changed into my new clothes yet, so a proper bath was well needed.

"Meanie~" Hisoka pouted as I closed the door behind me, making me chuckle at his childishness.

I turned the tap on and began to peel my clothes- or what was left of them- off. I looked at myself in the full length mirror as I took everything off. Oh Mavis, I couldn't believe I'd been walking around like this. I was practically smothered in dirt- I looked homeless! And Hisoka had seen me like this in the changing rooms, how embarrassing.

Once the tub was full, I pulled out my ponytail and hopped in. Relief instantly washed over me, with the hot water being a blessing against my skin. I fully submerged myself in the water, letting it wash over my face. I just floated for a little while, taking in the serenity.

"I wonder what this does." I mumbled to myself as I found a mysterious button on the side of the tub. Curiosity won me over and I pushed it. Instantaneously, the tub began to fill with heaps of sweetly scented bubbles. I sighed with relief and let myself sink further into the bubbles.

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