Chapter Five: Giant Frogs & Fishing Rods

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Lucy POV

Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, Killua and I were trudging through the swampland and trying to keep Satotz in sight- which had gotten increasingly more difficult with the fog growing thicker and thicker. All we could see of him now was a blurry outline, we needed to get closer or we'd be in danger.Kurapika nudged me and signalled forwards, "Let's move up."

Looks like we were both thinking the same thing. "Right, we don't want to loose sight of Satotz." We all picked up our pace, moving towards the front of the group.

"I'm more concerned with increasing the distance between us and Hisoka. Being near him is unsafe, he attracts danger ." Kurapika warily glanced at Hisoka, who we still just about able to see through the fog.

I furrowed my eyebrows, but nodded in agreement. I hadn't spoken to Hisoka since I asked him why he'd killed that man. So as much as I'd wanted say that Kurapika was wrong...he wasn't. Hisoka was dangerous. Someone like him was bound to have a lot of enemies, and with the cover of the fog, now would be a perfect time for them to strike. Being near him would just make me a target.

The running went on and on and the fog grew denser and denser. It played tricks- much like the animals who lived there, it seemed determined to confuse my senses.

I let out a sigh of frustration and turned to Killua and Gon, "Where the hell have they gone?"
Whilst we were running, we'd somehow managed to lose sight of Kurapika and Leorio. Not good. But it was too risky to go and look for them, so we just had to keep on running and hope for the best.

"No clue." Killua replied nonchalantly, obviously not that bothered about them. I got that he didn't know them well, but he could at least act like he cared. I gave him a look but chose not to mention it.

"Guys, somethings not right..." Gon frowned.

"What to you mea- AHHHH!" I was cut off by the ground beneath us falling away. Before any of us could do anything, we were trapped somewhere dark...and slimy?
"Is this some sort of cave?" I shivered, trying to figure out my surroundings.

"I think we've been eaten." Gon mumbled.
Eaten...what in the hell? What kind of thing has a mouth this big?

"Probably." Killua shrugged.

I shuffled around until I felt something hard behind me- teeth. Oh Mavis, no way in hell would I die like that. Lucy Heartfilia is not monster food! Holding onto the teeth for support, I pulled myself to my feet, though it was hard to stay balanced on the slimy surface.
"What are you doing?" The boys looked at me with puzzlement.

"Getting us out of here." I smiled, stretching my arms above my head and getting ready to strike.

"Lucy Kick!"
I charged at the front of the beats mouth and slammed my foot into it's teeth. It shook for a moment-groaning in pain- and then opened it's mouth.

"Now's our chance!" I grabbed Gon and Killua by the wrist and tumbled out onto to the grass- making sure to roll a safe distance away before relaxing. Wiping to drool out of my hair, I finally got a good look at the beast. It was some sort of giant frog- were things like that normal here?
Luckily, the frog didn't try to come after us, it just returned to it's underground hiding spot. Guess my Lucy kick was pretty scary.

"There's no time to just sit around, we need to keep going." Killua got up and headed onwards.
"Right!" Gon jumped up and I followed. They hardly seemed phased by that whole experience, maybe giant monsters were the norm here. I wondered if they had talking cats too.

"How do we know we're going the right way?" I turned to the two boys as we ran.
"I'm just following my nose." Shrugged Gon.
"Ah..." I knew his sense of smell was great, but it was surprising he could sniff people out through this fog- thats dragon slayer level impressive!

After a few more minutes of running, I heard shouts and saw some blurry figures. It didn't look like the main group, but they were the only people I could see. Going over would be dangerous, but my curiosity got the better of me. Not telling Gon or Killua, i'm order to keep them safe, I snuck off to see what was happening.

The closer I got, the more the air reeked of bloodlust. I shivered as the sheer intensity of it. As I got into the clearing where the figures stood - I could finally make out who they were. It was Hisoka and Leorio- and Hisoka looked ready to attack.
"Hey! Get away from Him!" I demanded, but I was still too far away. He couldn't hear me through the fog. Though trying to reason with Hisoka probably wouldn't of worked anyway, he was too far absorbed into his bloodlust. I was going to have to attack him...

Before I got chance to act, a fishing hook raced past my head. The hook knocked Hisoka back, giving Leorio a chance to run.
"Phew." A boys voice came from behind me, revealing Gon. But Killua was no where in sight.
"Good work, Gon." I turned back and gave him a thumbs up.

"Hmm, was that a fishing rod?" Hisoka somehow appeared next to Gon, his bloodlust still palpable. Shit.
He wrapped his hand around Gons throat and picked him off the ground. My chest burned with rage and perhaps betrayal.
"Leo Form!"
I transformed for the first time in this world, not caring who saw my magic. I was relieved it still worked here- It was probably thanks to those pills I had in edolas all that time ago.

"Oh~ What's this?" Hisoka looked my outfit up and down, with a creepy grin.
Ignoring his question, I raced forwards.
"Let go of Gon! Regulus impact!" I managed to punch Hisoka in the face, causing him to let go of Gon- who quickly got a out the way.

"That was really something my dear~" Hisoka pinned me to the ground and practically moaned.
"Get off, I thought you were on my side!" I seethed and flipped over our positions, only able to hold him down due to Loke's regulus ability.

"I wasn't going to kill him," Hisoka stated, flipping us over again and jumped back onto his feet, "I just wanted to test his ability."

"You've got a serious problem." I glared at him and scrambled up off the ground. Wasting no time, I hurried over to get Gon and got the hell out of there. I didn't want to spend another moment around that sicko. How messed up did you have to be to want to strangle a kid? Yikes.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked Gon as we ran, patting his shoulder for reassurance.

"I'm good, he didn't hurt me much. Are you okay though?" He looked at me with a troubled expression.

"I'm fine... I just...I don't know how to feel about Hisoka anymore." I sighed. Hisoka had gone from helping me to hurting my friends all within the same day. I really didn't understand his motives.

A/N: Hi again! Thanks for reading <3

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