Chapter 12- Caught

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Y/N was lost. Ever since her bubble landed she had been running to where she thinks Poppy is.

"Poppy!" She shouted while running. "Branch! Hickory!" She awaits for an answer, but her voice was replied by her own echo.

It's only been a few minutes since she parted with her sister and friends, but it almost felt like an hour.

"POPPY! BRANCH! HICKORY!" She shouted once more and started running faster. Eventually she stopped in a clearing and catch her breath. Tears started forming in her eyes, as she wiped them away. "Where are you?" She silently asked herself.

A sudden sting was felt in her right shoulder. She saw a dart sticking on her arm. She pulled it away and examine it. Her eyes went wide open when she realize it was a tranquilizer dart.

She began to panic and tried to run but she was too tired. Her eyelids became very heavy and her surrounding started spinning around her. She dropped on the floor and tried to call for help. Unfortunately, her cry for help was herd by the wrong people. Last thing she saw was a troll with red mohawk and giant satisfied grin on their face. Then everything went black.

Somewhere with Poppy:

Poppy was kneeling beside the river, holding the pop string in her hands and thinking about what Branch said earlier. Suddenly there we're footsteps-several footsteps- heading her way. She hid the string on her hair and turned to see who the comer was, and to her relief it was a friend.

"Poppy, There you are!" Hickory said as he galloped toward Poppy. "Hickory! Oh," Poppy said and hugged the country troll. "It's so good to see you."

They broke the hug and Hickory asked, "Where's Branch?" Looking for the gray troll. "We had a fight and he's gone." Poppy said with a sad tone. "He's heading back to pop village."

"Oh, that's a shame." Hickory sighed, "and Y/N?"

"Still no sign of her." Poppy said. "I was so desperate to be a good queen that I stopped listening to anyone but myself," she scolded herself. "Including my best friend. And it's all because of this stupid string." Poppy takes out the string from her hair and showed it to Hickory who stares at it.

"Poppy take the string and run as fast as you can, you hear me?" Hickory demanded. "What? What are you talking about?" Poppy asked.

"Trust me just go." He said but he got distracted when his back hooves started to go nuts! As if it was trying to detached itself.

"Now! Please! Just go!" Hickory begged. "Hickory, are you alright?" Poppy asked not taking his advice to run. "I'm fine. Hey, hey now. Stop that." Hickory said to his back while slapping it.

Suddenly two arms popped out of Hickory's back. Poppy screamed and looked like she was about to barf. When the "thing" detached itself from Hickory, well, it wasn't a thing! But another troll hiding behind Hickory. Poppy screamed once more.

"Nein!" The troll said in a German accent and lunged towards Hickory. "What are you doing, Hickory?". "Quiet, Dickory!" Hickory argued and held his hands upward to avoid the little guy from attacking him.

"What's going on, Hickory?" Poppy said in a panic. "I am so sorry." He apologies, but Dickory was getting mad and groaned. "Yeah, show her who you really are. HICKORY!" Dickory ripped out Hickory's country troll only to reveal a consists of black lederhosen, Bavarian shorts with suspenders and a drop-front flap embroidered with a yellow and red sunflower.

Poppy eyed the clothes and instantly realized what his real tribe was. He wasn't country, he was Yodeler.

Dickory started to yodel, Hickory followed removing his country hat to reveal a brush hat.

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