Chapter 16 - Rock Zombies

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(3rd POV)

The rock cracked and revealed a totally different Branch. "ROCK ON!" 

The crowed cheered, and Barb looked surprised, "Oh, sick! Totally works." She said in total amazement.

"Who's ready to get rippin' tattoos everywhere but our faces in case we still need office jobs? Rah!" Branch-well, rock Branch- yelled.

"You're turning everyone into rock zombies?" Poppy asked disbelief. "Yep. I can't wait to party with you, Poppy." A rock troll hitch Barb with a carabiner, Barb jumped of the stage and one of their smaller angler bus flew and the rope in her made her-fly (Ok, I can't choose the right word). Barb played her guitar and started firing at the leaders, one at a time. Delta dawn was the last to be turned into a rock zombie, Clampers popped out of her aunt's hair, and shouted, "Rock and roll!" you gasped, a speck of tear appeared in your eye, all the people you consider as friends are now under control of Barb.

Barb landed on the stage, and heard a door creak. she turned her head and saw Poppy opening the cage door. "Not so fast, Popsqueak." A spotlight shone on Poppy. "Hey, boy toy, it's mullet time." she said to Branch.

Branch faced Poppy and used his hair to grab her so she wouldn't escape. Barb played a rock riff and finally, Poppy got hit. Branch let's go and just like the others, she a rock fell and a dusty mist covered. When the mist cleared out Poppy opened her eyes and just like Branch and the others, she was a rock troll. 

"NO!" Y/N yelled, she tried to run towards her but the rock trolls from before held her back.                                                                                                 "Who wants to party?! Without smiling."

The rock trolls cheered, as the last leader of other music is finally no more.(not dead-but-uhh,- God, WHAT'S HAPPENING TOMY ENGLISH TODAY?!)

(Y/N POV) (I'm getting lazy let's moved to this...)

"Finish them off." Barb tossed her guitar to Poppy and gestured towards me, dad, prince D, and Cooper. She played a rock riff, and even if she's "evil" she still rocks it. Finally, she aimed the guitar toward us we gasped in fear, and I began shaking my head. Then I noticed her winking at us and I quickly tilted my head in confusion. Suddenly, she changed her direction and aimed at Barb, that's when I realized her eyes weren't red like the others. 

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be a rock zombie!" Barb said out loud. She pulled two gumdrops from her ear and said, "Gumdrops. Soundproof and delicious." She smirked and ate them, which still-gotta be honest- disgust me, but I was still beaming with joy knowing that she tricked Barb and is still herself.

"She learned that from watching me." I heard a southern German accent somewhere in the audience. 

"Give me that!" Barb said referring to her guitar. 

"I'm not gonna let you do this to anyone else!" Poppy snapped. "A world where everyone looks the same and sounds the same? That's not harmony." 

"Hey, Barb." We heard someone said, the spotlight shone on Riff and awkwardly waved but went straight to his point "Maybe Queen Poppy has a point." He said. "If we all look the same, act the same, dress the same, how will anyone know we're cool or something?"

Some of the rock trolls in the crowed started murmuring, I could even hear some agreeing with Riff. 

"A good queen listens." Poppy said and looked at Biggie, who I just realized was on the stage with the others. "Real harmony takes lots of voices." She tried to run and Barb tried to grab her guitar back. "Different voices!" She went to the center of the stage and smashed the guitar.

Before we knew it, a strong wave of colors  spread around the arena, and once it reached the end- like reverse, the wave of colors went back to the strings, as in it destroyed the music of the trolls along it. I opened my eyes and the only thing I saw, was grey.


TODAY IS MY LUCKIEST DAY YA'LL, AND MIGHT BE YOURS TOO!! My english teacher just cancelled today's online class and my mom is out buying groceries, so I'll try to post as much!

- Aurora

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