Chapter 13- The royal's visit

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Shout-out to GadzooksthewriterPjo  for guessing the reference I used in the previous one-shot. ❤❤


The dungeon was a miserable place. Light was scarce and flickered from the torches bolted on the stone wall. Large rats chased each other across the floor searching for food. Signs of hopelessness filled the aura. This was no place for the leaders.

The leaders of the tribes were given their own cell, according to their music. All cells were occupied but one cell was filled by a former king of pop.

King Peppy had known about his daughters and their friends journey, it didn't take him long to realized they were gone, Once he entered their pod he realized (and if the missing balloon wasn't obvious) they took off.

The main door rattled as someone from the other side opened it. The door opened, and Queen Barb, accompanied by two other rock trolls - they were carrying an unconscious body- entered the room. Once the lights in the torches illuminated the face of the unconscious troll, almost all the trolls on their cell gasped. It was none other than Princess Y/N.

"What did you do to my daughter?" King Peppy asked as he leaned forward his cell.

"Relax, She's still alive." Queen Barb said. The two rock trolls held the unconscious princess infront of Barb, as she leaned to her ears and whispered, "Wake up, Princess."

The girl fluttered open her eyes, and when she saw Queen Barb infront of her. She fought against the trolls holding her back.

"Good to see you awake. How was your nap?" Barb ask. "Not a pleasant one, that is." Y/N growled. If looks could kill, Barb would have been dead by the glare she was sending her. "What do you want?" Y/N asked her obviously pissed.

An evil grin spread across her face. "I'll make a deal with you Y/N, tell me where your sister's location is and I'll set you and your dad free." She said.

"And if I don't?" Y/N asked. "Well you'll suffer the same way these imbeciles are."

Y/N couldn't decide. She loves her dad and she wanted to get out of the stinkin' jail, but if she told Barb where her Poppy and the rest are, it'll still be the end of the world. Her dad, Trollex, Queen Essence, King Quincy, Prince D, Cooper, Delta, and Trollzart were shaking their heads.

"Don't do this Y/N!" Yelled Peppy. The rest of the trolls were telling Y/N not to tell Barb, the room started to become noisy.

"Quiet!" Shouted Barb and the room fell dead silence. She look at Y/N in a cold stare. "Well?" Barb said waiting for the answer. All the leader were pins and needles waiting for Y/N's respond.

"Even if you set me and my dad free your still taking prisoners of my family," Y/N said with a brave face. "A queen is somebody who is selfless. Who is generous in spirit. To me, a queen is someone who saves people and who really deeply cares. Just like Poppy."

Barb face looks like it was about to catch on fire. If her red mohawk could move emotionally, there would be moving rapidly like a fire.

"So go ahead, toss me in a cell, turn me into a rock zombie or whatever, but the information you seek, cannot be told by trolls like you."

Barb has had enough. She slap Y/N across the face, and the others gasped. "You are as useless as the rest of these trolls." Barb said, she promptly turned her heel and walked towards the exit.

"Put her in a cell with her father." Barb ordered the trolls holding back Y/N. They dragged her towards Peppy's cell, opened it and tossed her inside. Barb walked back to Y/N and leaned towards the bars. "I don't need you to tell me where the last string is, I have friends who was with you the entire trip, and with them, the final string will be in my possession." She whispered loud enough for Y/N too hear.

Y/N thought of a possible candidate to be a traitor. Her eyes went big when she realized the only troll that "helped" them during the quest. "Oh no, No!"

"Oh, yes." Barb laughed and walked out of the dungeon. She tried to break the cell open but it wouldn't budge. King Peppy placed a in his daughter's shoulder, Y/N turned around and hugged his dad and cried on his shoulder. Peppy rubbed his daughter's back and comforted her.




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