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Phil was laying next to Y/N on the bed. Drista was in the corner of the room working on the necklace. She peaked over her shoulder and smiled.

Cuuuuuuute. But I'll kill him if he touches her 😈

Phil looked over and saw Drista giggling to herself, "Uh, are? Are you ok?" He asked as he tried to get up. Drista just turned around and threw her hand up to stop him.

"I'm fine! I'm just happy to see Y/N. She looks so peaceful and it's the first time I've seen her in a couple years actually." Drista said as she turned back around. Phil laid back down and gently moved Y/N's hair from her face. Her face looked like she was in pain again, "I'm sad it's like this. But I'm glad I'm one of the people who can help her." She got up and walked out of the room.

There was Wilbur asleep on the couch. Tommy was in Wilbur's room. T was in the library looking at history books. And Dream was sitting on the stairs outside of the room Y/N was in, "Dream? I need another potion. Her fever will get worse without out." Drista said from the bottom of the staircase. Dream had his hands folded and elbows on his knees, "Hey? What's wrong?" She started walking up to him and he quickly stood up.

"Nothing. Go back to her room. I'll get the potion for you." He said as he walked down the stairs and right past her and into the kitchen. He started brewing a regen potion. Drista was confused but knew it was better to leave him be then push him into talking about something he CLEARLY doesn't wanna talk about. She sighs and walks back into the room. On the bed, Phil's face was red as Y/N was gripping his shirt and breathing heavy,

"Wh-What do I do?!" He asked a little panicky. Drista just smiled and laughed at his predicament.

"Just talk to her. She won't remember any of this, Phil, so just try getting her to let go. Y/N? What's wrong? You can tell me." Drista said as she walked over to the bed. She gently placed the back of her hand on her friends forehead and sighed, "She's burning up Dream!" She yelled from the room, "Y/N, you need to let him go, you're gonna over heat yourself."

"Phil....ngh....hurts...." Y/N whimpered and gasped as one of her hands was trying to pull at her chest, "Help..." she cried. Footsteps, multiple, could be heard rushing into the room.

"No!" Drista yelled as she locked the door, "if you're not Dream you can't come in!" She yelled.

"She needs help!" Wilbur yelled from the other side of the door,

"Wilbur?" Tommy asked and T stormed past him. He grabbed Wilbur and looked over at Tommy,

"Grab him Tommy! He can't go in there!" He yelled and Tommy nodded, grabbing his brothers arm and forcing him back with T.

"Let me go! Y/N! Hold on!" Wilbur tried fighting them and T kept holding him. Eventually bringing him down to the floor.

"Dream! Go now so we can settle him down damn it!"

Dream nodded and knocked on the door, letting his sister know it was him before she let him in.

"Dream, I think it's the scar on her chest again." She said and he nodded.

"Again? This has happened before?" Phil asked as he tried calling down the frantic girl besides him.

"Yeah, but only once. We don't know what caused it. But there's a scar going across her chest like this." Dream took his right hand, bring his index finger to his left shoulder and dragging it down diagonally so it ended on the right side of his hip, "When we found her she had a nasty slash, but she was still breathing. We patched her up and she woke up. But about a year later, from the day we found her, she complained that her scar burned. We gave her as many potions as we could. But nothing worked. We had to wait a full day and night until the pain resided. Since than? Wilbur has been helping her out." Dream said as he watched his friend writhe in pain on the bed.

"She was still alive?" Phil asked as his eyes widened, " Then why doesn't she remember us if she didn't die that day?"

"That's easy, she had a cut on her head when we found her. She was washed up on a river bank near the village. We didn't know she was the princess and neither did she. She just knew her name and that was it. She has amnesia. We thought she would remember once her memories came back naturally." Drista said as she looked at Dream, "We need to take her shirt off. I'll wrap her chest so it's not bare but she won't get any better if she keeps getting hot like this. We can lower her fever from her curse but not from what happens yearly." Drista said and Phil nodded.

"Please do whatever you can. I need a drink but I'll be back." Phil said as he was released from under Y/N. They had to force her to let him go. His chest felt tight. He told the princess they would save her but when? They weren't there when she was sent away three years ago. They weren't there for any other time she was forced to forget. Phil got to the kitchen and punched the frame out of frustration. His hand started to sting but he didn't care.

"Phil?" Wilbur called out. Phil sighed and walked over to the sink,

"Yes? I'm fine Will, I'm just getting some water."

"I heard it's her chest this time. The scar that intended to kill her. But didn't." Will said as he looked down, "I never knew how to help whenever this happened. I just held onto her. I did what Drista told me to do. I wrapped her up so she was covered and not bare. It helped. If we left her clothes on her she wouldn't wake up for days. It was scary what her body could and couldn't withstand. The heat, for starters, she passes out if she gets too hot. Isn't that weird? The princess of Skye. She even celebrated during the festival of Sol. But now that her curse has to do with a bloody dragon?! Why wouldn't her body be able to withstand heat?!" Wilbur was frantic. Phil took a sip of water before walking over and hugging his son.

"She will get through this Will. That slash across her chest didn't kill her like we thought. She only was unconscious and hit her head when they threw her in the river. She WILL remember us this time. We just have to give her time. But Dream is also working on a way for her memories to all come back. But we have to ease her into it."

"Phil?" Dream walked into the kitchen and the two men in the kitchen looked over at their masked friend, "She's ready."

Phil and Wilbur blushed and Dream took a second before he started laughing.


"Not like that!" Dream laughs harder and wheezed again, "I-I meant, hahahah, you know what I mean!"

"That's not what it sounded like!" Techno yells from the living room as he and Tommy made their ways over.

"Sh-Shut up!" Dream yelled as he pivoted and walked out, "She's wrapped up and what not!" He storms upstairs and Phil and Will look at each other before they started laughing,

"Alright, funs over," Wilbur said as he patted Phil's shoulder, "Go take care of the princess so she wakes up."

"Of course." Phil said as he walked back into the room.

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