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A/N: What will I do with you guys? It's not the end, you silly little chibis! If that was the end then I would have to write 2 more books afterwards, and I'm already planning a second (maybe). Gosh, I had to release this chapter so you guys wouldn't think that ♥️♥️♥️

"Y/N?" Phil quietly called out. The sobbing got a little louder the further into the cave they got. T walked forward and Phil stopped at a little hole in the wall. The whimpers were coming from inside.

"T? I think I found her." Phil said as he pointed to the hole, "I'm too big, my wings will stop me. Can you get her?" Phil asked and Techno nodded.

"Y/N?" T called out as he got onto his hands and knees, "It's me, Techno." He said as he sat outside the hole.

"You're a liar. You can't lure me out with my friends voices." Y/N said as she tried retreating further into the wall behind her, "I'll never go back there!!" She yelled.

"Who? Y/N, really. I swear it's me," he slowly started crawling in. Putting his lantern in first, "Where won't you go back?"

"Myra." She said as she watched the lantern.

"Myra?" Phil questioned and he quickly sat himself down onto the ground, "Y/N? Do you know what Myra is?"

"Of course I do," she said as her eyes teared up, "My name is Y/N Sol Skye L/N and I am the Cursed Princess of the Myra Kingdom." She said as she watched Techno finally get through.

"Princess..." T said as he looked at her, "How? You remember?"

Y/N slowly nodded before quickly hugging T and he was speechless. He blushed a bit before he slowly hugged her back. She held onto him tightly and started crying again, "It hurt so bad!! Remembering it all over again! They gave it all back to me. Every death. Every life. Every single time we met again!"

"Shhh, shh, it's ok Princess, you're safe with us." T said as he gently pushed her back, "But I need to go crawl to the other side. Phil is on the other side with a blanket for you." He had to look at the lantern and Y/N nodded.

"Phil?" She crawled outside the wall and straight into Phil. She hugged him and shook her head, "I remember you, Phil. You're like an angel. I remember. I remember it all." She cried as he wrapped her up and then picked her up.

"I'm sorry princess, we couldn't do anything to stop them." Phil said as he waited for T before making the walk back.

"It's ok. Please don't apologize. Only one of us can come back to life, Phil. I rather they kill me a hundred times over, then you guys." Y/N said as she leaned into Phil. He sighed.

"No one wants you to die anymore. We will protect you this time, Y/N." Phil said.

"Wilbur and Tommy will be excited." T said with a chuckle.

"Wilbur...he had to live with me while I couldn't remember anything...that must've been terrible for him..." Y/N said. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her, "I'm so sorry for forgetting..."

"Hey now," T said as they got back into the original tunnel, "That's not your fault. It happens when you hit your head to hard. Don't beat yourself up over it."

"I'm sorry for attacking you guys." She said and T rubbed the back of his head.

"If you're going to go that far then I'm sorry for poisoning you." T said and he turned back to smile at her, "No one is mad at you, Y/N, so please don't worry. We do need to get you some food though. It's not good for you to go long without it."

"I'm sorry, Phil..." Y/N said. She clutched the blanket as she felt her eyes beginning to water, "I'd accidentally went into your dreams earlier...I didn't mean too." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek, "I'm not sure how I did it..."

Phil didn't know what to say. Maybe he would've had that dream without her jumping in. He's had some similar. Where he's see Kristin one second and then Y/N the next. Maybe this time she just got to feel the sadness that he had felt.

"Don't worry about it for now," T said, "We need to let the others know. I'll go get them. Phil will take you upstairs," They got back to the railway and Phil quietly got into the cart while still holding Y/N. Techno sent the two up and he made his way down the tunnel Drista and Wilbur went down.

It was the smartest decision since Drista could send everyone a message.

Phil was quiet the whole way up. He really didn't know what to say or how to think. Y/N just clung to him and hid inside the blanket, she felt terrible to the invasion of privacy. Once they made it back to Wilbur's basement, he walked up the stairs and into the bedroom,

"Ah,  I think T said something about eating?" Y/N said but Phil just sat on the bed and held Y/N. She was a little confused, "Phil?"

"I'm sorry princess," he said as he sighed and hung his head.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked.

"I don't think we should be friends." He said. Her eyes widened but she just nodded.

"If that's how you feel, then I won't force you to do something you don't want to do." Y/N said. She broke free from Phil's lap, "I'm going to go make something to get myself dressed and grab some food."

She left the room and quietly closed the door behind her. She sighed and leaned against the door. Who was she kidding. She just got her memories back but she was already falling for him before. But now that she's seen a bit of his past, it makes sense. She could never compare to that woman from before. Her eyes began to water.

"Y/n?" Someone called out and she looked up, tears slowly falling from her eyes.

"Wilbur," she said as she ran over to him. He caught her in his arms and they sunk down to the floor, "Wilbur..."

"Y/N? He said you remember! Are you ok?!" He held her and ran his hands through his hair, "Are you back? Is this real?" He smiled and she nodded as she held him back.

Y/N missed everyone.

"Wilbur! I remember! I'm so sorry, I hurt everyone and I didn't mean to."

"It's not your fault, Y/N, it's just nice that you remember." He said as he just sat there with her. She cried in his arms and he just tried comforting her.

"Will? Does Phil hate me?" Y/N asked,


"What? What are you talking about?!" Drista asked, there was a broken bowl on the ground, "What on earth made you think that?!" She asked her.

"Nothing...nevermind...I'm tired, Wilbur...can we go to bed?" Y/N asked and she looked up at him, "I don't wanna sleep alone."

"Sure, I'll ask T to bring up something to eat." Wilbur said as he picked up Y/N and headed upstairs.

"Don't worry, I'll get it." Drista said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

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