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"Don't drink too much," Y/n said as she watched Phil chug down another shot of Frost Mead, "You'll get sick."

"I'll be fine. I'm an adult, Y/n," Phil said as he ordered another shot. She never took him for a drinker,

"Are you ok?" Y/n asked and Phil froze for a moment. He sighed and moved his hair out of his face before smiling back at her.

"I'm fine, it's not every day that we get to go out like this."

"Ok, if you start to feel sick just let me know and I'll let everyone know we are going to the inn." Y/n said as she drank some of her Banshees Breath. The two ordered some food and Y/n hoped this would help settle Phil's stomach while he drank.

"Wooh!" Phil took one last shot before leaning back in his chair, "I think I'm done now."

Y/n quickly pulled him forwards before he could fall back. She smiled at him and laughed a little. Her face a little flushed from drinking.

"You'll fall if you keep at it. What should we do now?"

Phil smiled at her and gently held her hand, "Whatever you want to do tonight, Y/n."

Y/n stared at him for a second. He stared back before breaking out into a light chuckle, "That's adorable."

Y/n smiled and sighed, "You're drunk."

She stood up after putting money down on the table, "Let's go. We can walk around a bit before the fire works," Y/n held out her arm for Phil and he took it.

"This reminds me of the night we met." Phil started, "Who would've known you were the princess."

"Who would've known that you were Wilbur's dad," Y/n giggled, "And T's. Tommy too; I never would've guessed that you were the one to adopt them."

"Is it weird for you?" Phil asked Y/n, "Is it weird that I'm their dad?"

"Why would that be weird? It would be weird if I was Wilbur's age and wanted to be with you. But I'm not, I'm closer to your age then his." Y/n smiled at him and gently pat his arm.

"Is it weird for you that I'm your sons friend?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know how to feel about that. It's not bad. But if people heard that you liked someone like me? I'm sure it'd be bad for you." Phil said and Y/n stopped in her tracks.

"Why do you care what the others think? They don't even know who I am or what the princess looks like. If they heard that I had fallen for someone who wasn't of my status then how would they know? They wouldn't know who I am or who you are," Y/n ranted, she sighed and was slightly annoyed, "Do you care so much that you would ignore me?"

Phil walked back to her and cupped her cheeks, "Y/n, I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. I was worried about how it might effect you."

Y/n held onto Phil's hands, "You should worry about yourself, Phil. I'm magical," She smiled up at him, "I'll protect all of you because I care about what they would do to you guys."

"Please just don't put yourself into danger," Phil said as he got closer to Y/N's face. She could smell the Mead on his breath, "Just..." he turned his head slightly, "Be careful."

Y/n and Phil's lips met and then there was a bright light in the sky. Then another and another.

The fireworks had started.

Phil gently pulled Y/n into him and kissed her deeper and she wanted to kiss him back, but she gently pushed him away.

"Why?" Phil asked with a hurt expression on his face,

"Because you're drunk, Phil." Y/n sighed, "I want to kiss you, please don't get me wrong." She gently took his hands in hers, "But I want you to tell me how you feel when you're sober. I want to kiss you when you mean it. Not when you're like this." She planted a gentle kiss on the back of his hands.

"...." Phil didn't say anything. Y/n looked up and knew that she might've just hurt him but she didn't want to take advantage of this situation because he was drunk.

"Please say something," Y/n said as she pleaded at him with her eyes, "Do you hate me now?"

"Of course not!" Phil blurted before he sighed, "I got too into it too fast. I shouldn't have done that. This was a mistake." Phil quickly drew his hands back.

"A...mistake....?" Y/n asked before staring at the ground. She felt a lump in her throat and just shook her head, "I understand...I'm sorry Phil. You can go out with Tommy tomorrow." Y/n said as she distanced herself, "I'll go with Will. Let's go, we are late."

Y/n walked off ahead and Phil just stood there. He groaned and put his hands on his head, "Why did I say that? It wasn't a mistake..." Phil sighed and walked behind Y/n.

They eventually made it back to the center of the village and met up with everyone else. Dream, Drista, Phil and Tommy all sat together. While Will, T and Y/n all sat in a tree together. Y/n leaned on Will and sat in between him and T.

"I won't ask what happened," Drista said,
"I won't ask what happened," T said,

"But I know that whatever did happen?"
"But I know that whatever did happen?"

Phil looked over at Drista.
Y/n looked at T.

"You need to sort out your feelings," Drista said
"He just needs time," T said.

Phil sighed.
Y/n sighed.

"You're right." Phil said.
"I don't have time..." Y/n said.

Y/n looked down and saw Phil talking to Drista, "I already told you T, I'm leaving after the festival."

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