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After the fireworks they had all gone to the inn they were going to be staying in for the remainder of the festival.

"I'm gonna stay up for a bit longer," Y/n said as she sat down at one of the tables on the ground floor of the inn. It was both a place to sleep and a place to eat. Two floors. Ground floor is like a tavern and the top floor was where all the rooms were.

"I'll stay up with you," Wilbur said and T also nodded,

"I'll also stay."

Dream and Tommy went straight to their rooms. Drista went to the bedroom she and Y/n were sharing.

"I'll also stay," Phil said as he sat down next to T and put his head down on the table, "I need to sober up a bit."

"Sounds like a plan." T said as he pat Phil on the back. Wilbur sat next to Y/n and gently pat hers,

"So whatcha thinking? Want something to drink? To eat? People will still be awake when we wake up in the morning. Partying all night long."

"I was thinking of drinking for a bit. I know my limit and I won't drink too much." Y/n said as she quickly stood up, "I'll get Phil a water, what about you two?"

"I'll drink whatever you're drinking," Wilbur said.

"I'll have a shot of Frost Mead, I want whatever Phil had," T laughed, "And I know you drank that cause it's the only thing you drink when you do."

"Ok just be careful. Don't want to make any mistakes tonight." Y/n said with a petty tone in her voice, "I'll be back." She walked over to the bar.

"What was that about?" Wilbur asked and T shrugged,

"Why not ask the drunk bird?" T smirked, "Whatd you do?"

"We kissed," Phil said as he covered his head with his hands and sighed.

"So that's progress right?" T asked Phil and he just shook his head. Head still down on the table,

"No, she pushed me away."

"It makes sense," Wilbur started, "You're drunk, and with the way Y/n is? Personality wise?" He looked at Y/n ordering the drinks.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Phil said as he lifted his head a little, "But I...said something stupid."

"Oh no," T tried not to laugh, "What'd you do this time?"

"I called it a mistake."

"WHAT?!" Both boys reacted at the same time. Everyone was looking at them, even Y/n and she looked confused.

"Why would you say something like that? Forget about Y/n for a second. That would make ANYONE upset Phil!!" Wilbur quieted down and looked back at Y/n, she was heading over.

"Geez Phil, how are you going to fix this?" T asked as he also put his head down.

"I don't know, but we will talk about this later." Phil sat up as Y/n placed a tray of drinks down.

"Water for Phil, Banshees Breath for Will and I, and a shot of Frost Mead for T. Did you guys want anything else?"

"No, I think this will do for now," T said as he took his shot and smiled, "I see why you like this now Phil."

~A Few Hours Later~

Wilbur and Y/n we're leaning against each other drunk and T was trying to distract Phil.

"She's doing this on purpose," Phil said as he sighed, "She's only using him."

"No no, you can't see it like that," T said as he patted Phil on the shoulder, "They're friends. Known each other for a long time."

"But she's only acting like that cause sh-,"

"Cause she's drunk, Phil, you know she only likes you. She's not doing anything with Wilbur. She's only talking." T said as he motioned towards the two.

"And I told Dream that if he EVER mixed up a fermented spider eye and some red stone again?! I'd throw the potion at HIM and see how HE likes it." Y/n said with a few giggles in between.

"Whaaaat? How does one...mix up? Fermented spider eyes with red stone?" Wilbur asked as he sat up a bit and it caused Y/n to slump even more onto him.

She shrugs.

"I don't get it either. Maybe because we have the spider eyes right next to the red stone? They're both in a red shulker box because of their colors." Y/n scratched the top of her head and let out a sigh, "Honestly he only even mixes it up when he's distracted."

"Well yeah," Wilbur said as he stretched, "Anyone in their right mind wouldn't give someone a potion mixed with a spider eye unless they meant to cause harm to the other person."

"Yeahhhhh and I don't think Dream would wanna harm me." Y/n smiled, "I would hope not at least."

Wilbur smiled as he pat Y/n on the head, "I'm sure he wouldn't. None of us would."

Y/n nodded and sat up. Stretching before slowly standing. Wilbur got up in case she stumbled.

"Where ya going?" T asked and she looked over at the two.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I'll go for a walk. The cool air might make me feel a bit better."

"Bring someone with you," Wilbur said, "Just for precautionary measures."

"Do you say it like that because you won't be coming?" Y/n asked with a pout and Wilbur smiled as he nodded his head.

"Yea, I think I should go to bed. I'll have a bad hang over in the morning and I'm not as magical as you are."

"Hey I can cure your hang over in half a second if you let me." Y/n said and Wilbur shook his head,

"Why not go with Phil? He's a good protector."

Y/n looked over at Phil and made an annoyed face 😒,

"I guess. Why can't I take T?"

Phil held up both his hands in question and looked at T.

"Because, princess, I have some work to do. I am going out for a bit. It'll be good for Phil and you too."

Y/n let out a groan,

"I guessssss, let's gooooooo," She rolled her eyes and walked towards the door.

"Are you gonna follow her?" T asked. Wilbur smiled and Phil stumbled for a second before quickly following her out.

"Should we follow them?" Wilbur asked and T made a face 🤨

"Come on Wilbur," he put a hand on his brothers shoulder, "What kinda stupid question is that?"


"Let's go," T said with a smirk,

"This will be interesting."

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