15. sweet realisation

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siddhhhhhhhhhhaaaarthhh" She yelled and threw everything whatever came in her hand. "Avneet you look beautiful without makeup " he said catching the pillow "and you will look more handsome with bandages on your face" she said

She grabbed the vase and threw toward him , but he saved himself , and pieces of vase shattered on ground he smiled in victory and she clenched her jaw , she looked around to find something , she grabbed the jug filled with , she threw the jug but again it didn't even touched him and it fell down on ground. "Today I will not leave you" she warned pointing her finger toward him and taking steps ahead.

"Avneet no" he said looking at ground , she is wearing her sandals but still the broken glass pieces can hurt her. She took more steps , stepping her foot on glass pieces "avneet" he said looking at ground then to her , she was about to step on big glass piece , he wrapped his hand around her arm and other beneath her knees he lift her in his arm.

"Siddhhhhhhhhhhaaaarthhh leave me leave me" she shouted hitting him , he walked on the clean side and leaved her.

She fell down on ground "aaah" she groaned in pain. "You are worst husband"

She got up keeping her hand on her hip and walked toward the sofa she sat on sofa and glared at him.

"Now clean this" she shouted and like a good , obedient husband he nodded.


Full day she ignored him , she pecked herself in room and watched movie and finally she came out from the room in evening , she helped to rena in kitchen
And they both ate their dinner in silence glaring at him, cursing him.

"Take it" she said throwing the pillow over him he caught it"sleep on couch" she said laying on bed.

"Avneet I am not in the mood of joke" he said laughing nervously , she sat on bed , she smirked and looked at him then to her pillow he also looked at pillow in confusion.

She took out knife under the pillow and showed to him" yes your dead body is allowed to sleep here" she said smiling innocently.

"No need" he said and walked toward the couch he kept the pillow and looked at her he noticed she is not wearing his clothes she is wearing her own t shirt.

She is really angry

But I only broke her make-up kit then nothing else.

He lay down on bed , she switch off the light and covering herself with blanket she closed her eyes.

In mid night" Siddharth" she whispered shaking him "Siddharth" she shook him again. "Siddharth please wake up" she said in tense looking around. "What happen" he said in his sleepy voice "Siddharth please get up its very urgent" but he didn't , she sprinkled water on him and feeling water on him he quickly sat on bed he squeezed his eyes feeling light on his face in irritation and then opened it again properly , he was about to shout but his eyes fell on her , he saw tears in corner of her eyes he cupped her face " what happen are you okay" he asked in worry. She looked on couch "get up" she said and he nodded , he got up from the couch, and she smiled , Siddharth was confused and he also saw where he was sitting . He saw

Her phone

He was sleeping over her phone

Phone - important more than her life

Now what she will do with me.

She quickly grab the phone and brought it closer to her heart 'precious'.

"You are bad luck my phone" she said looking at him and he was staring at her emotionless.

She glared at him and went back to her bed she turned off the light , and lay down on bed. He also walked toward his be- no couch he sat on couch he heard her voice" Siddharth" he didn't respond "Siddharth" she again Said.

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