Chapter 11

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Julia's P.O.V

We take a long walk to the bush and on our way there, my foot gets stuck in branches. I bend down to unloosen it and the stuff in my bag fall out. I pack them back in and I hear a growl behind me.

I look behind me to see what it is and my eyes widen at the sight of that...

A bear.


"Aaron!" I whisper yelled.

Why call him because he won't even help me?

"Help!" I whisper yelled again.

Everyone is already ahead and Aaron is not that far away, so I guess he's the only one that will be able to help... if he hears me calling him.

"Aaron!" I whisper yelled again, I bit louder this time.

I hope he heard me.

The bear walks closer and closer towards me and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I close my eyes, hoping that the bear will be gone by the time I open them, and hoping that the tears won't flow down my cheeks.

I open them and I find Aaron standing close to me. He places his hand on my waist and pulls me closer to his chest.

"Try to be still." he whispered in my ear.

It's not like I can move. I mean, I'm stuck in your grip.

"Stand up slowly." he whispered, looking at the bear.

"I can't, my foot is stuck in these branches." I whispered back.

He lowers his head to unloosen my foot, and he slowly pulls me up.

"Give me your coco pops." he said to me.

"What?!" I whisper yelled, giving him a stern look.

"Do you want me to leave you here so that this bear can eat you, or are you going to give me those coco pops?" he asked, looking at me.

"Fine." I said in surrender, handing him my box of coco pops.

"Good. After I throw this in the bear's face, run as fast as you possibly can." he said.

I can't run! I CAN'T RUN!!

"I can't run." I said, freaking out.

"Well, you're gonna have to run if you don't want to die." he said, getting ready to throw the box.

Lord, please help me.

He throws the box in the bear's face, holds my hand and we both run.

I can't feel my legs.

My legs are trembling, they feel weak.

We stop after running for about 5 minutes. I remove Aaron's hand from my wrist and bend down to catch my breath. Never in my life have I ever ran that fast.

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