Chapter 32

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Julia's P.O.V

"I want us to make things official. Be my girlfriend." he said to me.


I love him. I know that very well. But do I want to be his girlfriend? Do I even know what it means to be someone's girlfriend? Will we even work out together? I mean, we are total opposites, we're into different things, he-

"Give me a chance to show you the kind of love and happiness that you deserve." he said, interrupting my thoughts. "I love you with all my heart, and I've never felt this way about anyone. Yes, people think I'm a player, but trust me, I'm not." he added, holding my hand in his. "Julia Garner, you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever met, and I want you to be my girlfriend. So please, please say yes."

He even called me by my name.

"Yes." I whispered, but it was loud enough for him to hear.

"Thank you." he beamed and thereafter picked me and pressed my body against his. I can't help but chuckle at his response. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered with a smile.

I never thought that I would be in a relationship, especially not with someone like Aaron Kavinsky. Something inside of me tells me to end this relationship that started less than a minute ago, but a huge part of me tells me that I shouldn't.

I'm happy, genuinely happy that I found someone who loves and appreciates me for me. But the problem is that, that person is Aaron Kavinsky, the golden boy. Why would he go for someone like me? What is so special about me that he likes? What does he find attractive that I don't?

But then again, what if he really loves me? What if he really wants to be with me? He seems really genuine about this and he has told me multiple times that he loves me, and he has even proven it to me.

This relationship with Aaron is definitely the start of something new, and I can't wait for us to grow fond of each other.

I really like him.

I brush the thought off my mind and decide to get into the car with Aaron. He starts the car and drives off.

"So, where is this party?" I asked him.

"A few blocks away from your house." he replied.

We drive in silence and he suddenly puts his cold hand on my warm one.

"You okay?" he asked since he saw my hands shaking. "Do you feel uncomfortable? Is it the clothes that you're wearing?" he asked in concern, still placing his hand on mine and the other on the steering wheel.

"No, it's not the clothes. I'm just having second thoughts about this party. What if people don't like me? What do I even do at a high school party?" I asked him and he chuckled back in response. "It's not funny." I muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"In a way it is, but listen; you'll have me, your boyfriend. So please don't stress and try to have fun." he said whilst parking the car in front of a huge house.

"Have fun? Does that mean I'll also have to drink, dance and have a cigarette in my hand?" I asked.

"Dancing, maybe. But smoking and drinking, not necessarily. That will be up to you." he smiled. "Just be you. And if you don't like it there, then tell me and I'll drive you back home." he said.

"Okay." I said with a slight grin, feeling a lot better after he said that.

"Now, shall we go?" he asked.

"Yeah." I replied, opening the door and stepping out of the car. We walk into the house and we are greeted by the smell of alcohol and smoke that surrounds the entire room. Music playing loud in our ears, house filled with drunk teenagers, some dancing, some playing games and some kissing.

Aaron grabs me by me waist to get me through the crowd that was standing by the door.

Luckily this time no one is staring at us because they are all too drunk to be gawking at us.

We head to a booth in a corner where Britney and her two friends, Chad and another guy that I don't recognize are sitting.

"Not again." Britney said when she noticed me. "But, I'm not letting you ruin my mood, so I'm just going to pretend like you're not here." she said.

"Hi guys." I greeted them, and as always, Chad is the only one that replies but luckily this time, the other guy joins him.

"Julia, this is Jonathan, the party guy. And Jonathan, this is Julia." Chad introduced us to each other.

"Nice to meet you." I said, extending my hand towards him so that he can shake it politely.

"Likewise." he said and then pulls me into a side hug. "I don't do handshakes." he said after we both let go and I smile back sheepishly. "Should I get you a bottle of beer or a cider, or maybe a glass of cognac?" he offered.

"She doesn't drink, a glass of fruit juice will be fine for her." Britney mocked and thereafter puffed a cigarette.

"A glass of juice will suffice." I said to him with a sheepish grin.

"You sure? I have tequila and champagne, if that's what you want. Even scotch is available." he said, seeming a bit confused by what I just said.

"You heard the girl, a glass of juice will do." Chad said.

Thank goodness.

"Okay." he said and he heads to what she's like the kitchen.

"I'm not trying to pick a fight, just asking. Why did you come here, because this kind of party is not for someone like you?" Britney asked.

"I asked her to come." Aaron said before I could reply.

"And you're telling me that you're going to drink juice the entire night?" she asked.

"Yeah, why not?" I asked.

"Okay." she scoffed. "I need to dance." she said, making her way to the dance floor and kisses two guys when she gets there.


"Can we all just agree that B gets a little too wild when she's at parties." Chad chuckled, referring to the way she was stripping for a group of boys.

"True." Aaron replied, sitting next to Chad.

I take a seat next to Aaron and Jonathan comes back with a glass of juice for me and a bottle of beer for Aaron.

"So, tell me. Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked after sitting in the opposite chair of mine.


So far, everything is going well. No alcohol for the nerd, good.

Thanks for the support, love you all so much!

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