Chapter 22

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Julia's P.O.V

I jump out of bed the next morning and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.

I really need a nice, warm bath.

I go back to the bedroom and start packing all my things in my suitcase.

I take all my luggage to my car and go back to the reception so that I can sign out.

"You drive safely." Kylie said with an amiable grin.

"Thank you. You too. And please say bye to Tamia for me." I smiled back.

"I will."

I walk out of the reception and open the driver's door.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?"

I turn around and find Aaron smirking.

"I thought you already left." I said, closing the door and take a few steps closer to him.

"I could never leave without getting a kiss or a peck from you?" he smirked.

"I don't owe you either of the two." I chuckled.

"Then I guess I'll just give it to you then." he smiled and leans in to kiss me. I lean back in.

"Bye Aaron." I said to him with a smile after pulling back.

"Bye nerd. See you on Monday."

Seems like Summer Camp changed me, or is it Aaron Kavinsky that changed me?

The Julia Garner that came here two weeks ago, would have pushed him away when he tried to kiss me, but yet here I am, standing besides my car and blushing. Thinking about him, Aaron. I think I'll have to admit that these two weeks were the worst and best weeks of my life.

I get inside my car and drive out of town. Twenty minutes later I arrive in my town. I stop at a nearby garage to buy a bottle of water, and then return to the car.

Should I go to Sandra's or Kevin's house? 

Kevin specifically told me that I shouldn't come back, and as for Sandra, I'm just not in the mood to listen to her yelling and her  neverending demands.

I take my phone and dial Leah's number.


"Hi, how are you?" she replied on the other side of the line.

"I'm good, and you?"


"So, I need a favour. I just arrived in town, and I don't really know where to go." I said with a sheepish grin. "I mean, you know how toxic both my parents are." I chuckled. "So, may I please crash over at your house for the weekend?"

"Girl, you don't even have to ask. I'll just let my mom know that you're coming over."

"Thanks, you're the best."

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