Chapter 41

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Julia's P.O.V

I wake up an hour earlier today so that I can head to Sandra's to fetch my clothes. I arrive there, the door is still locked and the note is exactly where I left it, except that it has a little bit of dust.

Great, now I have nothing to wear to school today.

I drive back to Kevin's house and browse through my closet to look for something decent that I can wear and I find nothing. All these clothes lying in here are either too small, too big or not presentable.

I take my phone to dial Leah's number, only to remember that we're no longer friends.

If we were still talking, I could've just asked her to borrow me her clothes.

I have no other option but to go and ask Brookes to borrow me her clothes. I take a deep breath and walk towards her room. She's already dressed and she's applying make-up.

"Uhm, I need a favour." I uttered.

"From me?" she chuckled, looking at me through the corner of her eye.

"Yeah, please borrow me your clothes because I have nothing to wear and Sandra is still not back." I said.

"You must be mad if you think that I'm going to borrow you any of my belongings. Besides, they won't even fit you." she said.

"Don't forget that you were once my size." I reminded her with a smirk.

"Shut the f*ck up." she scoffed.

"Just reminding you." I muttered.

"I'll borrow you on two conditions." she said.

"I'm listening."

"Number one; you don't ever bring up the fact that I was once fat. And number two; you don't come to this house next month." she said.


"Deal." she said. "You can look for whatever you want in there." she added, pointing towards her closet. "Just make sure that you don't mess up my things." she said and thereafter left her room for school.

I look through her closet and everything that I find doesn't really look like something that I can wear to school. She has no sweat pants, no pantaloons and I'm guessing the jeans that she wore yesterday are her only jeans because I can't find them either. Everything in here just screams Brookes, Britney, Tamia, Kylie and Leah.

I take out a black denim skirt and wear it with a brown turtleneck. I stand in front of her mirror to scan my outfit and the turtleneck looks perfect, because my bust doesn't look too big. My eyes move to my legs and the skirt lies just below my middle thigh. It fits tightly around my waist, which shows out every inch of my curvy body. It is not as short and as tight as I thought it would be, so I decide to go with this outfit.

I walk back to my room and wear my hair in a high ponytail. I take the white sneakers that I wore yesterday when I went out with Aaron and head downstairs to have breakfast with Kevin since Maria and Brookes have already left.

"Since when do you wear skirts to school?" he asked me as I walked to the dining room table.

"I couldn't get my clothes from Sandra's, so I had to ask Brookes to borrow me hers." I told him, taking a seat.

"And she agreed?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, we made a small deal." I told him, having some muesli.

"Mhm." was all he could utter.

We eat in silence and we both leave the house. I arrive at school and bump into Britney on my way to the lockers.

"Sorry." I uttered.

"Did you get a makeover or something? I must say, you really do look good today. I love that skirt. And let me tell you something, I might consider being your friend if you keep on wearing clothes like these." she smiled and thereafter walked away.

I appreciate the fact that Britney is not as mean as she used to be, but I don't want us to be friends just because I started wearing different clothes. It would really be nice to have more friends, just not fake friends.

Surprisingly, I don't feel uncomfortable in this skirt and I have to admit, I really like how I looked when I was standing in front of the mirror.

I push the thoughts to the back of my head and confidently (if I may add) walk to my locker to take out my Literature books and walk to class.

I take a seat before everyone else arrives and I make sure that all my books are neatly packed on the side of the table, leaving enough space for Aaron. He walks in with the rest of the class following behind and sits next to me.

He greets me with a warm peck on my cheek and takes out his books.

"You are smoking hot in that skirt." he whispered in my ear. The minute these words enter my ear, my cheeks turn red and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I can't help but smile at what he just said. This is the first time that he has ever told me that I am hot, and it feels good to hear the words coming from him.

He places his cold hand on my warm thigh and the contrast of our skins leads to more butterflies erupting.

"Do you want me to remove it?" he asked since I shivered a little after he placed it.

Keep it there, and don't EVER remove it.

"It's fine." I smiled sheepishly and that was when he started drawing small circles on my skin.

There's absolutely no way I'll be able to focus in here with his hand on my thigh.

We start with the lesson and his hand is still resting on my thigh. I can't help but admire the way it perfectly rests on my skin. If this is what I get for wearing a skirt, I think I might need new clothes.

We both leave the classroom and he wraps his arm around my waist and whispers "how about we go chill in the gym right now?"

"I have chemistry now." I said to him.

"I think you're smart enough to skip one class, and it probably won't affect your marks. What do you say?" he asked, forming a small pout.

I never really thought that I'd ever skip class, but I guess skipping one class won't hurt or affect anybody.

"Fine." I smiled, and we both walk away in the direction of the gym.


Seems like the good girl is turning into a bad girl :/

Anyhoo, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you with the next one! Don't forget to press that star and leave a comment if you have something to say.

Again, sorry for the late update.

Q: For how long have you been writing?

A: Almost two years :)

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