Chapter 42

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Julia's P.O.V

We spend the rest of the period, talking and me listening to him complimenting me every minute. We head to the cafeteria for lunch and everyone is already seated around the table.

"Did you all see that Aaron's girlfriend is smoking hot today?" Britney asked.

"You are complimenting her?" Chad asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Yes we didn't get along, but she decided to look good today, so I'll be nice to her." she replied in a 'duh' tone.

"O-kay." Chad said. "But she is telling the truth, you look really nice today." he told me.

"Thank you guys." I told them, eating my sandwich. 

"Please don't fall for my girlfriend." Aaron joked with them and we all laugh at his remark.

"Game is in two days bro." Chad uttered after a few moments of silence.

"I know, you remind me all the time." he said.

"You coming right?" Chad asked me.

"I've never really been to any of them, because basketball really isn't my thing." I replied.

"Let's just face it, sports really isn't your thing." Britney chuckled and I chuckled back in response.


"You should come, it's going to be fun. I promise." she said.

I think she's just pretending to be nice to me, because she is being WAYYY too nice.

"B is right. It's always fun, and trust me; you don't wanna miss out." he added.

"I've been missing out all these years." I scoffed.

"Yes, but because you're a part of our group; you have to come. I promise you won't regret it." he convinced.

"Okay, fine. I'll come." I smiled.

"Great." Britney and Chad squeaked.

"Okay, but what do I wear to an event like that?" I asked sheepishly.

"I got your back on that one. Tomorrow, you and I are going shopping." she said.

What the actual...? Am I imagining this? Is this some sort of dream?

"What?" the words unintentionally left my lips.

"Yeah, I'm serious." she said in a 'duh' tone. "Okay, to make you feel better, Chad and Aaron can tag along."

"Uhm... Th- thanks." I said, unsure of what to say.

"Okay. 7pm sharp, at the mall." she winked. "Bye y'all." she smiled and left the table.

"Well, Britney is acting weird today." Aaron muttered.

"I don't think she's acting weird. I just think that she realized that she was being unfair towards Julia, so she's trying to apologise in a way. Just so you know, she'll never say 'sorry', she'd rather show that she's sorry." Chad chuckled at the last part of his statement.

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