Time Passes...

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After that meeting, there was nowhere to go but a dark, fog induced portal. So, Izuku passed through and found himself in a rundown, ramshackle bar. The individual who created the portal stood behind it, clearly denoted by his a smoke-looking appearance. He at attention behind as a bartender, a person in a one-piece suit, and a kid with silver-blue hair, a year older than him, wearing black clothes with hands gripping him. His voice was just as gritty as his outfit. "So... you're the new... recruit..."

Not meeting his crimson eyes, the boy looked away, still nervous. "If you want to call me that..."

The smokey man behind the bar gave a warmer welcome, "Welcome, young one."

Unnerved by the positive reception for once, all Izuku could do was look away and mutter a quick: "Th-thank you..."

However, instead of being... as malicious as the previous person seemed to be, at least under the surface, the smoky man seemed... positive. A gentle soul, but one willing to do what they believe needed to be done. "It's alright to be nervous around new people... My name is Kurogiri. This is Tomura Shigaraki..." he gestured to the young man seated at the bar, whose eyes narrowed in response, "And this is Twice, as he prefers to call himself... the man who saved you."
The masked man waved, clearly chipper... then paradoxically stated: "I found you almost dead. You were fine!"

Not knowing which part to respond to, Izuku merely, well, didn't respond with words. "Uh..."

The smokey man could've been smiling, based on the crinkle in his eyes. "Don't mind him. He's not completely stable, but his heart is in the right place."

Well, that made sense. If he could save the life of a boy like himself, he wasn't all bad. "Ok."

He finished cleaning a glass, then walked out from behind the bar and gestured to Izuku. "I will show you your room..."

Smiling at the kinder gentleman, Izuku beamed at him: "Thanks!" They walked upstairs and Kurogiri led him down the hall.

As they continued, the older man noted with his deep, yet soothing voice: "It's nice to see you with happy spirits... here is your room." He opened a door on his right. "You can decorate it while you stay... and if you have an outfit in mind for our work, be sure to let us know..."

"Thanks!" He closed the door as Kurogiri left, leaving him alone with his thoughts. What to do now? I have nothing, and no-one...

However, now he had to address the... elephant in the room. Well, maybe not a literal elephant, but the point stood strong. The shadows coalesced as the... no, his Nightmares appeared. Swallowing his fear, Izuku turned to look at each of them, their eyes blazing with malice, powered through fear and conquest. But... he took the other man's advice. To not back down. And, he had seen that they could be controlled. And only under his. They could be his most loyal allies... if he played his cards right. And now was that moment. "I...I thought this would happen..." Steadying his voice, he turned to each of them. "Look, You all used to scare me. You did... but I have to be braver now. I have no choice, but to overcome my fear of you. You are a part of me, created from my quirk, and for that reason... we shouldn't fight each other... but since I'm here, we will be causing fear in tons more people. Wouldn't you like variety?"

The biggest of them, a worn and torn golden bear, with viciously sharp teeth, actually spoke. It's voice was deep, reverberating in the small room, and glitched out, as the voice of a worn-down robotic nightmare would, "W-w-we n-need to cr-create f-f-f-fear t-to surviv-ive."

Izuku rebutted immediately, promising his creations a better life under his direction. But they had to follow him. "And I will have you create lots of fear. Please, don't fight me."
Fredbear, the largest of the nightmares, with his glittering gold appearance, asked out of curiosity, "Y-you can f-f-force us... why ask-sk?"
A legitimate question. After all, it was the case. He had to put Foxy in his place because he attacked him. The others hadn't yet. And, on top of that... how could he trust other people? Even Allmight, or any of the people he just met? Nobody could be... but these... these things depend on him to exist. And because of that, there was a simple truth: "Because... you have been more reliable than everyone else... I don't trust any of these people, but I can trust in what you can do."

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