Declaration of War

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Reiko thought about what Nightmare said to her. As much as she hated him, for what he did to her, and to others, what he said... ultimately made sense. She could see the effects of that before her eyes as she meandered back towards safety. The streets were empty at this time, an enforced curfew believed to stop the nightmares' assault... but it wouldn't work anyway. Screams sounded from many different places at many different times. A cacophony of sounds. After another hour of walking, she could see UA, and started to head there. A block away, she heard a commotion in a house. Heavy steps, mechanical screeching and the sound of objects being broken. Another nightmare attack, so close to UA... She gripped her arms, bracing herself against the chill evening breeze. A few more steps... and then she made it to the gate. It opened, responding to her student ID... but the campus felt... empty... afraid... and she was exhausted. Taking a few tedious steps, she fell forward, onto the ground, into unconsciousness...

When she awoke, she was in the UA medical wing. Sitting it up, she looked around, and was slightly spooked when Recovery Girl spoke next to her. "How are you feeling?"
Surprised by the sudden arrival of UA's nurse, she jumped in her skin, "Ah! Sorry... I'm... I'm alright..."
"Sorry to have spooked you, dearie." She chucked at her reaction. "Are you alright mentally, however?"
The ghostly girl didn't respond. She had other things on her mind. Especially what he said. He was willing to make himself a terrible evil, as bad as Allmight's nemesis... to try to make the world better. 
The heroine, however, believed that she was thinking about her own safety right now, and did her best to reassure the young girl. "It's alright, you're safe."
She tried to explain, but lacked the words to do so. "That's not what I'm worried about..."

Her eyes met the nurse's as Recovery Girl asked. "Then what are you worried about?"
"If his plan will succeed."
The Youthful Heroine, as her title states, had gotten on top of a stool to reach her height. Placing a hand on her shoulder, she promised the girl, "You have my word, we will do everything we can to make sure Nightmare's plan doesn't come to pass."
But that's not the problem here... It's already in motion. The trick is whether or not it'll have the effect he believes it will. We are helpless to stop it, because it's already the end.

Izuku's forces had been building a massive structure to his design. A fortress in seclusion, made while other nightmares distracted the heroes. It was a medieval style fortress from the outside, made from dark stone. Izuku looked over the view, watching the city as it progressed through the day.

The Original Nightmares waited within the shade, not wishing to be in the light more than possible. It's not like they were hurt by daylight, but they were much stronger in the dark. As they were designed to be. "What do you want us to do?"
"Tomorrow is when this place is to be revealed." Pausing to observe the progress... Izuku nodded, before calling out, "Fredbear, you will go to UA tonight, and foretell their demise. You all, teach the Nightmares this song." He handed them a flash drive, which they accepted. Bowing slightly, they left without a word, as Izuku went back to watch the sunset over the capital. They enacted a curfew, turning off the lights and going to bed early. He grinned underneath his mask. He reflected on his life and how it would never have been what he wanted, steeling himself for the fight the next day. The borrowed time he had taken from his fall so long ago was now coming to fruition. After a moment, he turned and went back into the fortress, into the dark. Never again would he see the outside world.

Class A was relaxing in the dorm room, as much as they could. Tokoyami's and Aoyama's forced absence from the heroics course brought the atmosphere down, and the arrival of Reiko only lowered the mood even more, as she seemed concerned about something... imminent. Both hero classes suffered due to Nightmare's interference, and that was before he outright killed Jirou's parents. Without the overdramatic, eccentric ways of Tokoyami and Aoyama, things were... duller than usual. Everyone was in their self made groups, except for Bakugo and Uraraka, who stuck together with Mina, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari.

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