27-Looking at History

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"Oh!" I hear a male voice exclaim from the doorway.

We jump apart, scrambling to get at least a foot away from the other.

I see Chase on the doorway. Out of every fucking person of course it had to be him.

The three of us are just staring at each other, unsure how to react.

"What a nice little bonding experience, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go change out of my wet clothes." Ashton says before exiting the room.

"Pals." Chase scoffs at the word we called each other yesterday.

"Look, it just happened. It didn't mean anything I know you probably aren't going to believe that. However, I don't need you to believe it because I flirted with you once." I bluntly tell him.

"I was just checking to make sure you didn't die of hypothermia but I guess you can share each other's body heat to fight it off." He rolls his eyes and exits the room.

I stand there alone in the kitchen until I realize that the way Ashton exited was the common room. He doesn't have a change of clothes there.

I walk into the room to see him laying on the couch, a book in hand. 

"I thought you were changing." I say. He just shrugs.

"Whatcha reading?" I question, as I sit down on the couch next to him.

"Why do you care?" He snaps.

"What is wrong with you? We just made out and all of a sudden you are pretending I hate you. I don't make out with people I hate, thank you very much." I clarify.

"We'll clearly it 'didn't mean anything'." He says sounding beyond irritated. It occurs to me that he must have heard me talking to Chase.

"If you're going to be around me then you have to understand that I say shit I don't mean constantly. It came out of my mouth for some reason that was probably dumb. I would do it again." I try and mend this.

"Oh, really?" He doesn't look up from his book.

I do the only thing I know how to do.

I bring my lips to his. He seems shocked. After a minute he melts into the kiss.

I pull away.

"See you later." I turn and walk out of the building.
Me and Kailey were stargazing. It's our thing. We always stargaze and point out different constellations and share fun facts.

I point out my sign's (Sagittarius) constellation. We joke around a bit more before pretty boy walks over to us and Kailey makes up some lame excuse to leave us alone.

"So." He says, sitting down next to me.

"So." I reply.

"About earlier today.."

"I'm not ready for a relationship now." I state, cutting him off.


"Ok?" I question.

"Ok." He confirms.

We sit in silence for a bit just staring at the stars before I speak up.

"You know that since it takes billions of light years for the light of the stars to reach where we are now, so that we can see them, there could be stars that we're looking at that don't exist anymore. We won't actually see what is happening to them right now for so so so so long. We are literally looking at history." I tell him a fact that's always interested me.

"Woah." He let's this out in a small whisper. It looks like his mind is running in circles trying to wrap itself around that fact.

"You're beautiful." I say before I can stop myself.

He just looks towards me, smiling.

"You are too."

I smile at this and we just stare at each other, not even bothering using words to communicate what we're thinking.

"What is your favorite book? You seem to be always reading." I ask him. It's true, he's always reading.

"I can never choose. It's like picking a favorite child. I love so many different worlds and books that confining myself to one favorite seems crazy."

"I get that. I'm like that with music. And art of any kind." I pause. "What's your favorite thing about reading? I mean, I love that art is just such a raw expression of emotion. That's probably my favorite thing about it..." I start to ramble.

"I like fictional worlds better than the real one." He states simply.

"Why?" I question.

"Because fictional characters can't disappoint you." He answers.

"But what happens when you finish the book? The characters have disappointed you, just not in the same way that real people do." I point out the flaw in his argument.

"I've never thought about it that way."

"Perspective." I say, before returning to stare at the stars.

Before I know it I've drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
A/N: triple update bitches.

Honestly the pressure of feeling like I need to get to 40 chapter by September 2 is a lot and I feel like I'm just getting writers block from it so I'm going to try and spend some time just planning out the next bunch of chapters so it's not like they are just haphazardly written so I can reach my goal. I want there to be key events.

Anyways this is unedited and I'm going to bed now so goodnight.

kisses 💋

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