45-Ebba Men

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The doorbell rings and I get off the couch, opening it. And then slamming it.

I cannot believe that fucker would dare to come back here.

He pounds on the door and I don't open it, instead I sit back down on the couch. After a moment I hear the door creak open. Did he fucking pick the lock?!

"That's called breaking and entering, you might want to leave." I say, my tone of voice harsher than ever.

"You're my son. I'm allowed to come and talk to you." I hear his deep voice say, as he walks into the living room.

He looks the exact same give or take some gray hairs.

"I'm not your fucking son. You donated your sperm to me and that is all."

"Your mother may let you talk to her that way but I certainly will not." He snaps.

"We'll that's too fucking bad because you lost every ounce of respect I had for you when you cheating on your devoted wife with a 19 year old girl and then left us as soon as she confronted you. No. You know what? You left us with nothing, you don't deserve shit. I will talk to you however I want to and if you don't get the hell out of this house, I'm calling the police."

"How's your sister? Is she still a crybaby?" I flinch but don't let his words affect me. If only he knew how strong Amelie was. "What about your love life? You dating anyone? Any girl who's going to have to put up with another shitty Ebba man."

"I go by Rivera." I state simply.

"Oh ok we have a feminist. Going by a woman's last name. You know how all your relationships are going to end right? You're gonna fuck with her head, you're gonna do something shitty, you're going to cheat on her, and then you're going to leave and hurt her beyond repair. Unless you're with her just for the sex because that's something that always works out. Thinking about it, you probably shouldn't even do that because your sensitive ass couldn't handle it."

My entire body clenched and I can barely hold myself back from punching him. I'm not going to stoop to his level.

"You think you're so much better than me but you're not. You're going to end up just like me. Might as well embrace it sooner than later."

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and see my lovely sister standing on the bottom step staring at our sperm donor with so much hatred.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She spits out.

He turns around and smiles maliciously when he sees her.

"No 'I missed you' no 'I'm happy to see you?' You two really have zero manners." He says. Amelie takes a deep breath in trying to calm herself.

"Fuck it." She mumbles, stepping towards him and punching him square in the face. She has always loved boxing, I guess it's coming in handy.

He holds his hands to his nose that is now bleeding.

"How dare you?" He yells.

"Leave now or I call the police." I get out my phone, entirely willing to make good on this threat and he just walks out. Not before yelling:

"Think about what I said, son. You know it's true!" He leaves the door wide open and I slam it behind him.

I see a tear fall down Ames' cheek and immediately go up to her, hugging her. She buries her head in my chest and cries for a few minutes before stopping.

"I have to get out of the house." She says, "I'm gonna go to the ring." The ring is where she goes boxing. It's where she gets out her anger.

"Ok. Be safe, and call me if you need anything." She nods before leaving the house.

Now's where I overthink my entire existence.

I go on a run to try and think better.

By the end of it the only thing I've figured out is one thing. And there's no going around this fact.

I am bad for Livia Acadia Hart.
A/N: well now you understand why Ashton did what he did. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! I'm going to bed now..

This is unedited per the usual.

kisses 💋

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