|4| Best place to sleep 😴

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Chapter Four

"The heart knows when the search
is over."

Aditya's POV :

I facepalmed myself inwardly, and stopped thinking about such things.

"Now, do one thing. Make small balls from the dough and give them to me one by one." She explained.

"Ohkay." I said and did what she asked me to.

We were done with making dinner. Last roti was on the pan when she asked me to call Ansh. I went towards champ and saw his eyes drooping. Ayee, he's sleepy.
[ Roti : indian bread ]

"Champ, champ.. first let's have dinner then we will sleep." I said tapping his cheeks.

"Ohkieee dokieee." He said in a sleepy voice.

I picked him up and we went towards the dining table. I switched off the TV on the way and took my phone.

I gave Ansh to her, and she fed him dinner.

"No, not more." He said.

"Ohkay, it's the last promise." She said and made him eat the last bite, cleaned him up and went towards the bedroom to make him sleep.

While going, she said, "you start eating, I'll be back in few."

"Naah, it's fine I'll wait." I said, she nodded & carried him towards the bed.

I wonder what makes them so close. He loves to be with her and vice versa. She is so lively with him and he adores her equally.

I waited for 5 minutes then an idea came to my mind. I put the dishes along with two plates in the kitchen trolley stool and went towards the room. I saw her covering Ansh with a blanket, I guess she was about to come. I knocked on the open door, to which she turned and said, "was about to come, why did you bring all these here ?" She asked, eyeing the trolley.

"Well I thought, we can have dinner there on the balcony as we can keep a check on him too." I said and moved towards the balcony.

"Sounds great." She replied.

"Come fast then, I can't wait anymore." I replied.

Swati's POV ;

We settled ourselves on the swing, he served the paneer while I served dal to each other. It feels surreal like this. How much I missed him in these three months, he didn't even call for once from there, it was all me texting him. I guess he was busy.

I stared at him for a few seconds, he had grown a bit of a beard and had become thin. He caught me staring and said, " I know you have a thing for beard men. Stop ogling at me."

"I don't have a thing for men, it was only you from the start and for your kind information, I wasn't ogling." I clarified.

"Yeah, whatever makes you sleep better at night." He said.

I concentrated on my food and he too does. I looked up at him again, when he suddenly asked, "I'm looking hot, right."

To which I replied in oblivion, "yessh." Then I realised what the question was and I grunted in anger while he laughed.

FALLING FOR HER 🌠[Completed ✔️]Where stories live. Discover now