|64| Moving to Canada...

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Hooiiiii Peeps 🙋🏻‍♀️,
I hope you all are well.
Here's the next update... enjoyieee !!

Don't hate me after reading this (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠) !!

Chapter Sixty Four

"As you walked away from me,
a part of me walked away with you."

Swati's POV ;

"How are you bhaii ?" I asked him, handling a glass of water.

"Now that I have met you, I feel better." He mumbled, keeping the glass aside. 

He made me sit beside me and further said,"I troubled you a lot, didn't I ?" I simply nodded at him. My tears are still unstoppable.

"I know a simple sorry won't be enough but still your bhaii is sorry Swatii. I used to read your text but then couldn't build up myself to reply. I…" He was about to say further but I stopped him saying,"The only thing that matters right now is that you're here. I don't need any explanation." 

Hearing this he smiled and said,"You've grown up into a mature woman, huhh. But you still cry like a baby." I smiled at him sheepishly as I'm not in the mood to pick up a fight with him. 

"Are you hungry? Shall I make something for you to eat?" I asked him, wiping my tears away. 

"I'm jet lagged, not in the mood to eat plus it's late too you should sleep." He said but I hugged him instead. 

"I don't want to. You've come here after so long and you want me to sleep not happening." I mumbled looking up to him. 

"Plus you shouldn't have an empty stomach at night. Wait, I'll make some herbal tea for you which will help you relieve the fatigue." I further said and stood up to which he smiled. 

"You wait, I'll just come." I said and walked towards the kitchen. I'm very happy today. He's here that's all matters gile shikve toh hote rahenge. 

I got busy preparing tea for him while he roamed around the living room, inspecting the house. 

"This looks really cool. The way you've designed it yet keeping the essence of dad's architecture is so good, Swatii." He said and I smiled hearing this. 

I poured the tea in a cup and walked towards him to find him standing in front of the memory wall. Shit, I just hope he won't get angry. 

"You two look happy together." He said staring at a particular picture where Adiii had managed to click a photo of ours where he's kissing my cheek. Idiot he should have been here. He have met him once or twice before going to Canada 

"Here, the tea." I handed him but he held my wrist which was trembling thinking of what he would say. 

"Why are you trembling? I know you're in a live-in relationship with him. I've read your texts and after looking at the photos I believe you two have great equations and I respect that." He said caressing my cheek. 

"You're an adult now and you've every right to choose whom you want to spend the rest of your life but before approving him, I would like to meet him. Though I'm pretty sure it's a green signal from my side." Hearing this my eyes sparkled and how I wish him to be here. Moron!! 

"Umm, this is refreshing." He said after sipping the tea. 

"You learned to live by your own self and I'm proud of you but more than that I'm apologetic for making you go through all the misery." He said and pulled me into a hug. I don't know about others but he's very caring about me and I love him for that. These seven years he stayed away, he must have his reasons and that doesn't matter to me anymore. 

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