|56| LMAO 😆

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Hooiiiiii Lovieees,

I hope you'll are doing well.
We are nearing towards 4k votes, make it sooon. And a very warm welcome to new readers and old ones a virtual hug for you people ❤️.

Chalo enjoy the not so shorrrrrrrt chapter !!

Chapter Fifty Six

"Cuddling, snuggling, smiling, laughing and kissing are the things I want to do when I think of you."

Swati's POV ;

We three are waiting for customers but the smile on our face like usual days is missing. Raj and Simran too were worried because it's already noon and the total number of customers that came till now is just three.

On normal days, we three must be preparing some more delicacies by now but today it's all so frustrating, nothing is going well.

"You two seem tired, shall we close the shop?" I asked them, plastering a smile on my face.

"No Dii, let's....." Before Simran could complete her sentence there's hustle infront of our shop and some familiar faces started entering our shop. Raj and Simran ran towards them to welcome them. I glanced outside from the window to find people coming out from a bus where a logo of Malhotra Skylink was there. My eyes watered involuntarily knowing who's behind all this. I was about to call this stupid boyfriend of mine but before I could do Raj called me saying,"Dii... he wants to meet you."

I turned to find Abhay, his personal assistant standing in front of me with a shock masked on his face.

"Miss Verma, Blue Dream is.. is yours. I knew you own a bakery...but I didn't know it's yours." He spoke with astonishment.

"Don't lie, I know who asked you to do the acting." I said to him but he cut me off and said,"No, he just gave me the card of Blue Dream and said as the cafeteria workers are on leave today, take all the workers here. It's a treat from my side."

"And where is he ?" I asked him because he needed some good reward for doing this.

"He went to pick up his nephew. He'll be here in a few minutes. Till then treat us with the best you people have." He said with a smile and reciprocated. He's a nice person but Aditya Malhotra needs some serious scolding.

I looked around to find the shop filled with almost 150 people. Raj and Simran are running here and there. I too joined them in serving what people are asking for. After two days these many people are here and my DDLG couple are so happy to be attending them.

"This Swiss Roll is the bestest I've ever had in my life." A lady said and Raj blushed. A lone tear escaped from my eyes. People are really enjoying our delicacies.

"Miss Verma, I must say you people got the bestest chocolate pastry. It's so fluffy and yummy. Please pack some for my daughter." Abhay said with a genuine smile and my happiness knew no bounds.

"Sure Mr. Abhay." I replied with a smile and went back to the kitchen to prepare fresh pastries. We always keep some extra necessities as we don't like to send away a customer bare handed.

I quickly arranged the sponge cake and decorated it then kept it in the refrigerator to set it. I went out to find everyone having a good time while eating. Raj and Simran were finally happy. These two really work hard for our shop.

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