Where am I? ~Yin

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Darkness. That's all I've ever seen. It follows me like a love struck puppy. Fighting it was useless, I figured that out awhile ago.

Yelling and calling for help never worked, no one would even hear my cries anyway. Or so I thought.

I remember seeing the snakes golden eyes look down at me with such hate but happiness. I never understood the man, he confused me. But after seeing his face, I fell asleep.

I'm not quite sure how long I've been asleep, but now I know it's time to wake up, even though I'm dreading to see him again. Each time I would wake up after falling asleep from those horrid test, he would be there, ready to do more. So now, I'm scared to wake up, scared to see him.

Sighing mentally, I wake my brain up. My brain commands my eyes to open which I hesitantly responded to.

Seeing sunlight through the little slits surprised me greatly. I was expecting to see the dark and gloomy hideout or just pitch blackness but not this.

Forcing my eyes open more, which took more energy than I thought, I was greeted with more sunlight and a small breeze. The breeze was a little chilly. From the temperature I guess it had to be at least fall.

The air had a sweet smell to it, I'm guessing there must be an apple tree near buy. But from the sweet smell only made my stomach complain with the lack of food.

So, I gently say up but only to fall back down with a pained scream.

What the hell!? Why does my back hurt?!

Bringing my shaky hand to my lower back, I felt something soft and fluffy?? I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I was terrified.

For all I know there could be some animal on me or something worse.

Sitting back up again and ignoring the pain, I stumbled onto my feet, almost loosing balance. My back still felt heavy and boy did it still ache.

There was a big apple tree just a few steps away from where I stood. With my stomach growling at me, I wobbled over to the tree, placing my weight on the trunk.

Before grabbing an apple I stopped. Now that I thought about it, I dont recall ever seeing an apple tree back in the village. My attention snapped back to my surroundings.

This forest, I dont recall it whatsoever.

Where am I?


I sat by the apple tree for hours. It was now night fall and the breeze brought cold weather along with it.

With my new wings I just found out about 2 hours ago, I wrapped myself in them, hoping to gain some warmth.

Even though I managed to get my wings around me, it still hurt. Even when my wings twitch, it sends an electrifying pain through my whole back.

I wanted to hate these cursed things on my back but at the moment I couldn't. Not only were they providing warmth for me, they were also beautiful. They were the wings of my favorite bird, Snowy owl.

Though at the same time I couldnt help but feel bad. I knew Orochimaru must of killed tons of owls for the experiments. For that I blamed myself for the birds deaths although they wernt directly caused by me.

I've been blaming myself for a bunch of things ever since I was born. I was always different than all the Uchiha's. I looked nothing like them, I talked nothing like them, and acted nothing like them.

For this, many of the other kids in the clan would bully me. At first it was name calling but then it turned into being pushed.

With me being a naive child, I just thought it was their way of playing until the adults started joining in.

The adults would hit me or throw rocks at me whenever I'd walk down the streets.

After being badly beaten one night, I stopped walking around the Uchiha compound. I had eventually found a huge oak tree just outside the compound that I claimed as my own.

I stayed in that tree for a year until an certain Uchiha prodigy came up to me one day. His name was Itachi Uchiha.

The first time he came to visit me, I was very cautious and wary around him. For all I know he could of only been there to hit me to.

But what he did completely surprised me. He packed a lunch bento for him and I.

To be honest at first i figured he was trying to poison me. Later on I found out he wasn't.

After that day we became close. We were like brothers.

But our brother relationship was severed when I was kidnapped by Orochimaru right from under Itachis nose.

So here I was now. 10 years later I'm in some weird forest with wings attached to me.

I missed Itachi and Sasuke. They were like brothers to me. I-


I turn my head around quickly to the direction of the noise, my guard fully up.

Being able to see at night was a bonus with my Owl DNA. So looking into the black abyss, I saw a figure.

"Come out now. I know your there, I can see you." I slowly stood up, my legs very shaky and the pain screaming at me.

"I'm sorry. I was on my way back home when I happened to notice you here." The man walked out of the bushes.

Now since he was fully in view, I could tell what he looked like. He had black hair that spiked up, and hazel colored eyes. He did have some facial hair on his face but it wasn't that noticeable. He wore a grey tank top and black baggy pants. He looked about 5'6, just a little shorter than me.

"Nice to meet you, the names Ging Freecs."

Male Oc x Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) Naruto x HxH crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now