Bird Brain~Yin

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▪□Yins P.O.V□▪

I heard the splash and felt the bullet hit. It hurt but nothing like the pain I use to feel when I was with Orochimaru. I grunted a little, the bullet sending a small shock through me. It seems like it went through part of my wing also. Just great.

Not even bothering to look at the clown man, I turned around and looked up into the trees where the bullet was fired. Right now I was pissed.

'Ram, Boar, tiger, horse, monkey, serpent.' I said the hand signs in my head, before yelling out my jutsu.

"Water Release: Spinning needles!" Small needles of ice form around me, probably hundreds of them. With a flick of my wrist, the tiny needles flew towards the person that hid in the trees. They disappeared before a small scream was heard and then a thud.

A body dropped to the ground, along with the rifle they used to fire. But the rifle wasnt going to land so easily. When it hit the ground, another bullet launched, heading our way once more.

Not giving it a second thought, I did my hand signs in the order of tiger, rat, horse, boar and dog.

"Water Release: Ice Barrage!" I grabbed Hisokas hand who was still oddly quiet while the bullet hit the ice dome that formed but also left a crack. When the bullet rested, I took down the dome and turned to look at Hisoka.

His face held many emotions that I had seen in the cave just hours ago. Fear, worry, anger, and relief. When he caught me looking at him, he smiled again, covering up those emotions that I no longer saw.

"I see you enjoy holding my hand~♡." I gave him a confused look for a minute until it hit me. I still held his hand from when I made the ice dome. With a small blush I quickly let go and make a side remark.

"Like hell I do. I just grabbed your hand to pull you closer into my dome range. If not you would've been hit, like i would even care though." He still smiled, not believing a word I had just told him. But I cant really blame him. I've always been a horrible liar. I guess I must get that trait from my father.

(He doesn't know his father yet alright? I plan to make a chapter later on where he is teleported 1 month before Jiraiya's death. Oh btw hes a year older than Naruto)

"Hmmm whatever you say little birdy~♡." I glared at him.

"Can you stop calling me that. It's like talking to a baby bird and I don't like it." He only chuckled. I swear, Hisoka knew how to ruffle my feathers.

(I'm sorry I had to add that)

I looked back towards the body, debating whether or not I should walk over towards it. With slight hesitation I walked towards it. My Ice needles were still embedded which I decided to release.

Squatting down and flipping the body over onto it's back, I began searching her pockets. When I found her tag I was very happy. It was number 80.

"Hey, clown. I got my badge, let's go back to the cave for today. I need to get this bullet removed anyways. It's pretty close to my heart." I stood up and turned towards him but he was gone.

I didn't even have time to look around when I was snatched off my feet and in someone arms. I look up to see the clown.

"HEY! I can walk by myself you idiot!" I squirmed in his hold, feeling embarrassed again. Like for heavens sake he was holding me again, and like a damn princess.

"You call me the idiot when yet you were the one who decided it was ok to jump in front of a bullet that was directed at me. I was already prepared to deflect but I wasn't prepared for you to take the hit. I'd say you were the idiot here."

I frowned at his words. I know what I did was stupid. But I couldn't stand the thought of him being hurt. I dont know why I felt that way. I just did.

"Let's go back to the cave and clean your wound. You have more bandages until the final exam right?" I nodded, letting him carry me to the cave.


It had been 2 days now. We only had 3 more left until the 4th phase was over. Right now Hisoka decided to go on his own and look for his badge. I had offered to go along but he declined, saying I would just get in the way. It had pissed me off but I couldn't really disagree.

I was technically a wounded little birdy who needed to rest; or as he had said it. The bullet was still wedged inside but since we dont have the proper tools, we had to leave it and just wrap it up.

While Hisoka was gone I kept trying to preform a cloaking Jutsu for my wings. With the bullet still inside, I was going to need a doctor's help but I wouldn't be able to let them see my wings.

I was able to preform one for 4 hours which I think should be enough time for a doctor to remove the bullet. I could always work on it later if I really needed to. But using a cloaking Jutsu took a good amount of chakra from me.

Standing up, I walked to the entrance of the cave. I took my shirt off and performed my cloaking Jutsu: Rat, rabbit, Ox, and tiger.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw my wings disappear. I was glad it worked for I really wanted a bath. Without even sensing if someone were to be watching, I ran to to small lake, taking off my pants before doing a cannonball.

I sunk into the water, letting the cool feel of it cover my body. It felt great. Right now this was the only doctor I wanted.

Quick note: the reason I don't use Ice Style is because since he isn't from a clan that uses ice or has a kekki genkai like Haku, then it would technically be considered Water style. Cause he is still using water but he is hardening it up to were it has the form and properties of Ice.

Male Oc x Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) Naruto x HxH crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now