Going to save Killua- Yin

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▪□Yins P.O.V□▪

Thanks to Kurapika, I was on bed rest for another hour. The meeting that took place without me was then reported to me by Gon, Kurapika and Leorio.

"Killua got disqualified and was sent back home because his brother manipulated him. He was doing fine until his brother started talking to him but then he went all quiet and unlife like." Leorio stated.

I still wasnt allowed to take the bandages off my eyes, which sucked, but I was at least able to sit up now.

"So, what do you plan to do?" I mainly directed the question towards Gon who was abnormally quiet.

"I- no we're going after him." Gon exclaims.

I just sat there for a minute in silence, feeling the awkwardness fill the room quickly.

"Ok. Let me get dressed." I stated, throwing the blanket off of me.

"W-what!? No your still injured! You need to rest!" Kurapika walks over to me, placing a hand on my chest and gently trying to get me to lay back down.

"I'm fine. For now just lend me your shoulder. You can lead the way while I follow." There was no way in hell I was staying out of this. Killua was in danger, and I wasn't going to just lay here and let him get injured.

Kurapika sighed, "Fine. Let me see your hand."

Reaching my hand out, I feel Kurapika grab it and lead it to his forearm.

"Wow I feel like a princess." I teased.

"Stopppp." I could tell from his speech that he was blushing. I couldnt help but laugh.

Following the trio behind, I started to get irritated with the wraps on my eyes. I was ready to just yank it off and burn it.

"Keep those on. Dont even think about removing them." I'm guessing Kurapika has mind reader powers now.

"There so annoying though. And they itch. I just wanna scratch my eyes. It feels like I'm sleep walking and I don't like that." I sigh, leaning against Kurapika to express my exaggeration. All he could do was sigh.

"Hey Gon, where exactly are we going? You didnt even explain the whole plan to me." I stated, just now remembering that he told me absolutely nothing except that we were going to retrieve Killua.

"Sorry. Well, were heading to Kukuroo Mountain. Killua's family owns the whole mountain and that's where he was heading, well according to Illumi anyway." I nodded my head in understandment towards where I thought Gon was.

"So all we're doing is just going to the mountain? Are we going to bust in? Act as travelers or what? I need more information if I'm going to help." I could hear Gon laugh nervously.

"Well I haven't thought that far yet. I guess we'll see when we get there. All I know is that we have to save Killua, no matter the cost." To that I nodded. I may have not known this small group well but I've grown attached to them. They were all like second family to me now. Speaking of family, I wonder if I will be able to go back to my world to find my father. Or to see Itachi and Sasuke. I missed them, my heart ached each time I thought of them.

"Yin. Are you ok? Your crying." Kurapika whispered to me, making me snap out of my thoughts.

Reaching my hand to my bandaged eyes, I felt them and sure enough they were wet.

"I'm fine. Some thoughts decided to torment me today." I smiled at him. I could feel his stare through the bandages.

"If you want to talk, I'm always willing to listen. That's what friends are for, right?" My heart raced. Friends. He really considered me as a friend? I was so happy that all I could do was nod at him.


"YOU LITTLE PUNK! I SHOULD GET FRONT! IM OLDER!" Gon and Leorio argued about bus seats. I couldnt help but laugh. My negative and stressful thoughts completely washed away from my brain.


The bus trip to Kukuroo Mountain was long. I had fallen asleep a few times due to the pure sheer of bordeem. My bandages still rested on my eyes which I despised greatly.

I was so ready to take them off but each time Kurapika would slap my hand away and give me a lecture about why they need to stay. I could care less about why. My mind was only focused on one thing at the moment, 'Remove the bandages while Kurapika wasnt looking.'

I couldnt help but let out an aggravated sigh.

"Yin, you've been sighing for 10 minutes straight. Sighing isn't going to speed up the healing process." Kurapika chuckled a little. I swear, hes doing this to me because he wants me to go crazy.

"Come on Kurapika! I heal a little faster than others. Plus, all I did was strain my eyes since they take a lot of energy that I'm not use to. Please just let me take this off!" I whined but he still didnt budge.

I growled at him a little before leaning my head on the seat.

"Hey Kurapika, Yin, we're here." Gon told us with excitement laced in his voice. Nodding to where I assumed he was, I stood up and reached for Kurapikas arm which he helped me find.

"Let's go. The sooner we get off the bus the sooner we can save Killua!" Gon yiped. This boy was too cute. I want to adopt him.

Walking off the bus with Kurapika pulling me, I could feel that the air here was already thin. It sorta reminded me of Ging and I place when I first met him.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!! We have finally reached our destination. Feast your eyes on.....KUKUROO MOUNTAIN!!!!!"

Male Oc x Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) Naruto x HxH crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now