Chapter 3

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Chuuya was driving them back to the mafia building. ''Can you stop?'' ''Mm?'' Dazai turned his head to look at Chuuya, visibly confused. ''Don't act innocent on me, you've been switching the radio on and off AND THAT'S ANNOYING !!'' Dazai's eyes widened dramatically like he realized that the earth was a cube. ''Ah so you've finally noticed,'' Dazai replied as he finally took his finger off the button and looked at the front view. He put his elbow against the car door and leaned his head on his fist with his eyes closed.

''You've been quiet since we got into the car Chuuya, what's wrong ?'' Chuuya remained silent for a while then he slightly frowned, eyes still fixated on the road. Silence intruded the space again.

''You used yourself as bait,'' Chuuya finally spoke. Dazai turned to look at the ginger head. He looked displeased. ''Well yeah so that we can uproot the traitors,'' Dazai stated the obvious.

I don't see the problem here, Slug. What are you upset about ?

''You could've died YOU IDIOT !'' Chuuya snapped as if he could read the question that was on the brunet's mind seconds ago. ''What else should I do ? Let them get away ?'' Dazai asked in a slurred and high tone, raising his other hand mid-air with his palm facing up. His dark hazel-brown eyes exaggeratedly widened like an innocent toddler accused of stealing chocolate.

''Just...just don't use yourself as bait ever again, DON'T !'' Dazai's shoulders trembled a bit as he chuckled lightly. ''Okay okay jeez are you gonna stay mad the whole day or are you gonna drive us to get food ?'' Chuuya rolled his eyes. ''Urgh any other demands, suicidal maniac ?'' ''Actually yeah can you bark a few ?'' Dazai said with a playful grin. ''YOU PIECE OF--I'M NOT YOUR DOG !!'' Chuuya punched Dazai's chest while Dazai was laughing at his own silly joke, seemingly satisfied with how he managed to annoy the shorty.

Driving their way to a restaurant, the boys continued being the loudest people on the planet.


''Chibi gimme your peach tea I wanna try it,'' Dazai said as he took a bite of his crab. He looked at Chuuya with his eyes blooming with expectation. ''Tsk sharing saliva is disgusting you know.'' Chuuya narrowed his eyes with a disgusted expression, yet his hand pushing his drink across the table to the forever-3-year-old and cross his arms before his chest.

''Wooo it tastes gooood I'mma order one for myself~'' Dazai announced as he returned the drink to his partner after taking a long sip. ''Is that even necessary? Juz take it I don't want it.'' Chuuya reacted by waving his palm up and down before he leaned backwards and waited for his food to arrive.

A young waitress about the same age as them delivered his food, probably the daughter of the outlet owner. As soon as the youthful beauty finished setting the plate down, she turned and smiled shyly at one of the boys. The one with slightly wavy brown hair matching with his hazel eyes, and pale skin matching the bandages around his arms, neck and covering his right eye. Her cheeks immediately turned pink when the brunet returned the favor.

Watching all of this unfold, Chuuya patiently waited for the waitress to go far when something boiling in his chest went unleashed. He knocked Dazai's head with his knuckles and the victim instantly put both his palms on his head. ''Oww what was that for, stupid Chibi ?!'' Dazai basically squealed half of his sentence. ''For flirting with the waitress you shitty Mackerel.''

''FYI~, she smiled at me and I was simply returning the favourrr. I didn't do anything to deserve that evil attack.'' ''You've done plenty other things to deserve that, it was long overdue and the universe would agree with me on this .'' ''On that, you've actually got a point.'' Dazai put up an innocent face and pointed his finger at his partner. ''Oi at least take that as an insult you bandage-wasting device.'' Chuuya did nothing else, he just stared at the pouting brunet in disdain.


It was about 8pm and Chuuya has just finished the report on that day's mission. Dazai had paperwork too, but he decided to go back to his room and let mold grow on the papers, as usual. Chuuya wasn't feeling so well. Something he's never felt before was nibbling on his heart on the inside. He then went to Kouyou for her to check on his work before handing it in to Mori.

While Kouyou read his report, he stood there silently waiting as Kouyou suddenly broke the silence. ''Is there something on you mind Chuuya ?'' '''' Kouyou nodded and passed the report back to Chuuya, but Chuuya didn't leave. Instead, he let out his question while he avoided eye contact with his superior, whom was looking at him at this point. ''Ane-san...what does it feel like someone ?''

''Well, when you love someone, you care a lot for them and worry for their safety, and you tend to wish for spending more time with them.'' Kouyou halted and tilted her head in confusion as she continued. ''I thought you already knew that, Chuuya.'' Chuuya's lips parted a little, looking as if he was struggling to get his words out of his mouth. ''I--I mean...fall i--in love,'' he muttered under his breath as he looked further away from the gaze of the woman. He said it so softly that it could hardly be heard.

The adult was a little startled but then she chuckled. ''Why this sudden question of yours ?'' She paused and thought for a while. ''When you fall in love with someone, you care for them, obviously, but in a different way. You care not only for their safety and health but also who they be with, or, to put it in another way, who they get involved with, romantically. Normally, you would feel happy for your...let's say friend, for now. But when you have fallen in love with them, you get upset, a bitter taste in your chest refusing to leave you alone. And that's what jealousy feels like.''

Kouyou smiled gently and asked, ''Who is it ?'' ''No one, I was just asking out of curiosity. Thanks Ane-san.'' Chuuya bowed and walked off to Mori's office.

Damn it I'm so screwed.

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