Chapter 5

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''...he...awake ?''

Who..who's talking?

The voice he heard sounded like it was muffled, he couldn't make out most of what the person was saying. Chuuya opened his eyes only to make himself suffer from the obnoxious lamp right above him, shining his eyeballs out. He tried moving, even just a fingertip, but he couldn't even feel his body, as if his soul was awake but trapped in a lifeless body. It was really driving him crazy out of the frustration boiling in his chest like a volcano ready to let it all out the next second.

The voices eventually came closer along with noises of leather boots colliding the metallic floor. Chuuya instinctively closed his eyes shut pretending to remain unconscious. The voice became clearer after a metal door was pushed open with a creak. The footsteps could be heard in an irregular pattern. There were more than one person, in fact there were two, Chuuya made sure of that a few minutes later.

Despite the inability to move, he felt awake, clearly awake, as he could hear every word the people whom were standing beside him said.

Where am I? Who are these people?

He didn't recognise any of the voices. Before paying attention to what the men were saying, he started feeling what he could. It was cold in there. Pungent odour of medicine filled the air.

Am I at a hospital?

There was nothing else he could do, turning and lifting his head was the most movement he could manage. The situation he faced remained alienated to him, so he started listening in on the conversation around him for more information.

''You sure this boy won't wake up and blow this place up with his ability?'' A deep rough voice asked the other person who was standing across him, both beside Chuuya. His voice was really low and he had a bossy attitude, just like the captain of the sea in a movie Chuuya had watched two days ago together with his partner.

''As long as the fluid Tsuki-san customized for him keeps flowing into his veins, he won't even feel his own body, so no he won't be able to destroy anything,'' the other replied. That man had a more smooth voice, kind of similar to Dazai's, but a lot lower and way less contagious.

Okay doctors don't say things like that that's sus.

''But in fact~'' the man suddenly raised his voice like he was making an announcement. Then Chuuya felt someone breath into his right ear. ''I know you are awake, boy.'' His words sent chills down Chuuya's spine. It felt like he was caught red-handed burying his boss' body in his yard.

Damn it how did I even get here.


After the ginger head had drunk the third bottle of beer, his vision started to get blurry. He couldn't even make out the face of the bartender anymore. ''Wha...what ?? I didn't even...drink that mu--'' A loud thud could be heard as he fell off the wooden stool.

''Well well, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be able to accomplish our mission, Kyora.'' A man with twice the size of a grown-up walked into the bar with a cunning smirk. ''Well, as long as I get paid enough~'' the bartender spoke as he smirked with his sharp eyes staring at the boy laying on the floor unconscious. ''Dump his phone, and clean this place up before boarding,'' the giant ordered while he picked him up, putting him on his shoulders. ''Oh you mean that pathetic bartender ? I've already done that hehe,'' Kyora answered like nothing ever happened before leaving the bar behind with Chuuya's phone in his hand.


Chuuya slowly blinked his eyes open, adjusting them to cope with the blinding light above, only able to sense the peripheral of the men. After seeing his coworker talk to Chuuya, the incredibly tall grown-up stirred his gaze from the other adult to the teenager. ''He's awake ?!''

Chuuya finally got a good look at the people exchanging voices. The tall one was a bald and muscular man with a couple of scars on his large arms. His left eye had a scar too, it looked like he got slashed by a blade up to down on his eye. The giant had a simple attire. Black t-shirt looking like it would tear because of his muscles and torn jeans, showing both of his knees. Chuuya pulled his gaze away and turned to look at another guy. ''Relax Kigami, his body is in a paralysed state, he can't do any harm.''

The other one who held him captive was one head shorter than the giant. He didn't have any hair too.

Did they get a buddy haircut or something?

Chuuya laughed silently at the bottom of his heart. He wore a t-shirt too, but it was white and unnecessarily oversized even for his slim torso matching with his also oversized canvas pants, basically wiping the floor with the end of it as he walked, his shoes beyond sight. Compared to the giant who had a darker tone, his skin was pale, almost white, a perfect match to his shirt.

Mucho pirate and white zombie, great.

Chuuya examined his own body to find his wrists tied down by the side of his hips. He laid on an iron table. ''I can't wait to capture the other boy and get this over with. I really don't like dealing with that old man's prep talks on his own and alone obsession.''

''I ain't complaining about that, the handsome pay has been the only thing in my mind.'' The big man sighed. ''Sometimes I juz don't know how I put up with your obsession over cash, money vacuum.'' ''Oh that's mean~my name is Kyora, dear big stepbrother.''

Tsuki, Kigami, and Kyora, just who the hell ?? And these two are brothers. Ok...wait what? Ok.

Chuuya stayed silent just glaring at the strangers. ''But before that I would like a nice chit-chat with the little boy here,'' Kyora said leaning close once again to look at Chuuya in the eyes. ''You've been suspiciously quiet since you've awaken, don't you have anything to say?'' The ginger head continued his glaring before he finally frowned and made his voice heard. ''Where are your eyebrows ?''

Kyora was obviously dumbfounded, his expression blank because of the sudden unexpected question. ''Now I'm offended, why do people always have to ask me that.'' He looked at Chuuya in despise before turning away. Not long after, the door was opened again, another man wearing a lab coat paced into the room.

His hair was white, barely long enough to reach his chin, but looking like he hadn't taken a shower for a year. Wrinkles at the tails of his eyes, and a small tuft of white moustache below his nose.

Filthy lab-man looking like he hasn't bathed for centuries. Gross.

''Tsuki-san,'' the other two adults addressed him at once. ''For the love of go--okay ENOUGH of random strangers walking in here who are you people and WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME ?!'' Chuuya growled at the bottom of his throat, seemingly fed up with letting the curiosity and the feeling of unknown danger grow inside his head. ''And most importantly, who is the target you all talked about ?'' His eyes narrowed as a serious look fell upon his face.

''Now that's a lot of questions at a time, Nakahara Chuuya-kun,'' the scientist spoke as he walked closer to stand beside Kigami. ''Don't worry I won't hurt you for now. I'll get to you only after I'm done with my experiments on him,'' he replied like he couldn't care less.

''I don't like repeating what I said, you Einstein imposter. WHO. IS. YOUR. TARGET.'' Tsuki casually looked at him and shrugged. ''Why, the unique ability user of course. Why would I miss out such a valuable experiment on him? The ability user who can cancel out others' abilities.''

Chuuya's ocean blue eyes widened in shock. His heart sank like it weighed a ton after hearing the words.

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