the escape 3.0

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Recap: okay so Dipper and Bill had sex pacifica is disguised as a demon and now trying to free the pines and get Dipper to come with her or free them.

Author pov
She walked up to Dipper and grabbed him by his hand. "Come on let's go" she said "um what are u doing" she was shocked a bit and quite taken a back " come on we have to get out of here and free the others" as soon as she said that Dipper took his had out of hers.He told her "I'm sorry but no" he said stepping back up she tried taking his hand again but he simply stepped back again. "c'mom it's me pacifica" she said.Dipper thought that this was a test of some sort or to test it he would leave so he decided to ask Bill about it later.

Pacifica pov
I didn't know what was wrong with Dipper he was acting strange like he had forgotten everything and everyone of us.sigh.I'll come back for him later right now I need to free the others and figure what the heck is going on.I went to the torture soon as I walked in shivers went down my spin.

as soon as I walked in shivers went down my spin

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