**Not Edited


I was sitting in Amantha Vasilia's office and As usual she was making me wait. Every time I entered this office it gave me chills. It not only reminds me of my past but also how we, me and my mom- Amantha Vasilia- had reached here. Though the office was same from the last fifteen years but still all things had changed. The same desk from the last fifteen, same Window, same interiors but still felt like everything was changed because one person who should be here with us was not anymore.

He should be the one sitting in this room, he should be the one who should lecture me how to behave in public. He should be the one to protect me, to taught me how to handle the people like Dobra but he was not here.

He left us. He left mom, He left me.


His own daughter, who needed him the most at that time.

When I look out the picture frame which was on my mother's desk, My heart aches because that smiling faces of a man, woman and girl of ten years, looking at the camera, enjoying their picnics was not something I would like to remember but still it felt like yesterday, when all things were happened.

A painful memory, a sudden ache appeared on my body. Even still after twelve years the memory was still fresh but I know nothing could be done now. That was all in the past and by thinking I was making things a lot difficult for me.

Mom still didn't come to her office. Where the hell was she? If Like this she had managed this office then how the hell her employees keep up with her. Though I already knew what was going to happen in this office. The same, usual things that happened every time I came into this office and this time it was for the stunt I pulled in my last concert. I know it was a bit more than my previous ones but it was nothing new now.

Though I could totally agree that with all the police thing I did get a little bit of negative publicity but it's fine, I'll do nothing for a week or two to get in the media or magazines. But the problem was what I was going to say to my mother? Of course, she would never get what Dobra did or said because she'll only think it was all my fault because of What I did and she won't even ask why I did it? What Matters to her was my image and how my latest stunts affects me or my singing career and everything else comes second. Even me.

That's the truth, She cared more about my singing career than me and I had learnt about this on many Occassions but of course, that's reasonable as well because she made me. From my singing lessons to my first competition, From my first Live concerts to my music Albums, It was all because of her and because she gave importance to my career not to me.

Even in the earlier stage of my career she was the only one who managed all sorts of things, like with whom I should do the concert or whose parties I should attend, From my food which I should eat to my friends. Even She used to find and approve my "show off" boyfriends as well. She had the control of everything in my life. Every-fucking-thing.

When three years back she backed off from my manager post, I thought she was now giving me some freedom, Freedom of everything but no, she appointed one of her ass-kisser for that job and oh god! She was more of a hitler than my mother. I meant she used to speak to my mother-about me-in front of me as if I was not even there and she was not even acknowledgeing me as her boss but she was answering to my mom. At that moment I had enough and decided to take stand for myself. I taught her the amazing lesson and to many others as well who came after her.

That's how I became Rebellious nightiangle by the Taboloids.

Amantha Vasilia entered the office and behind her was her minion of hers-I couldn't recall her name hence the minion- but before her minion could enter she told her wait her outside and closed the door behind her. She came forward and sat down behind her desk and when I saw her...my breath hitched. I was meeting her after three months and nothing was changed and plus It was like I was seeing myself in the mirror. She was all same, the same brown colour small eyes as mine, same asian brown skin colour. The only difference in her appearance and mine was the difference of height as she was Five feet four inches and I was five feet seven inches and the hair colour; she was blonde and I dyed my hair into red.

Rebellious NightingaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant