"Would you like Gradient Eyes or the Smokey Eyes?" My Makeup artist Duna asked.

"What do you think which one will look better with the costume?" I asked without even opening my eyes because I was way too tired for this. I only got three hours of sleep last night. Black coffee was keeping me in a little bit of work mode otherwise I would have been sleeping soundlessly.

"Umm...I think the Gradient one."

"Then go for it," I replied and took a sip of black coffee that was already in my hand.

This Magazine photo shoot was the last limit. A favor for my mother's friend and today in this shoot only I was going to meet my new manager.

How Enjoyable.

That was the only reason that I got three hours of sleep. I had to give the welcome party to my new manager so that she can support and work with me for a long time. This was going to be a revenge prank against my mother and unfortunately, the manager will be the collateral damage today.

"The plan is all set," Naseer said while coming into my makeup room. It was very painful that I had to open my eyes but I did glare at him.

Of course, it was not something that we could talk about this thing with or in front of other people.

"Can you give us five minutes, Duna?" I asked.

She simply nodded and left the room.

"Do you want me to go to Jail, Naseer?" I said tight-lipped and glared at him. "How many times do I have to tell you? Do not talk in front of people. They can give their statements and next time you'll see me in jail."

"Huh As if your mother would let you," he smirked. "Anyways, Coming back to the point the plan is all set to tackle that manager of yours. Now we just have to wait for her entry." He said.

"Who is looking out for her at the entrance?" I asked.

"Obviously Sera, Who else,"

"Are you nuts? How can you give this task to her? This will turn into a disaster if she did any mistake and choose a different person."

"Who do you think I am? I told her the description - A female of middle-aged, Carrying two or three planners, formally dressed and walking like something is stuck up on her ass." He said cheerfully.

"Are you fucking kidding me? What if this time it's not someone like this? What will you do then?" I Said while clenching my teeth. This was rubbish. I was starting to get a headache.

"You always get those kinds of managers. It's a record. So I don't think anything will go Wron—" He was cut off by a knock on the door, Duna came in without waiting for any answer and half-opened the door, almost shouting "Guys, We have a problem!"

I just looked at Naseer and gave him a tight-lipped smile because he was going to be dead in a few hours.

When we reached the outside of the room it was chaos. All people were already gathered in the corridor to know what was happening behind those closed doors which only me and Naseer knew. All types of hushed voices, and rumors we were hearing. Sera was already standing outside the room wide-eyed as she had no clue what was going on in the room. Only the continuous scaring shouts were coming from the room.

Some people were trying to open the door but they were failing. Two - Three people were continuously trying to open the door though yes others were helping as well They were trying to get the answers from the woman to the different questions like what's happening inside? Or Whether she is alright? Try to open the door, saying all sorts of things which can help that woman but unfortunately it wasn't.

Well, yes, Obviously it was my plan but the door could be only open from the inside not from the outside. There was nothing much that I can do at this moment but I can only hope that Sera chose the right person and hopefully she'll get scared and get agreed not to work for me anymore.

"What are all you doing here? Call someone who can open the door!" One person kept ordering and was continuously trying to open the door, I think he was the manager of this PhotoStudio. His job was also on the line after this incident.

Collateral Damage. Can't help you there stranger.

"Where is the security? Why are they not coming with the master key to all rooms? Goddamnit!" He shouted again and I closed my eyes because I was beside him and he shouted in my ear. I must say his voice was...really not so good.

"Is there anyone who can help with this door? What is taking this long?" Someone else asked.

"Somebody call 911!"

A Man's firm voice came from the back of our group of people who were standing outside the door and WHAT A MAN HE WAS!


Hey Lovelies,

I am trying to get back to writing. I was quite busy with all the college stuff.  I am a little bit free now, So hopefully there will be regular updates. *Fingers Crossed*

Happy Reading!

Rebellious NightingaleWhere stories live. Discover now