Few Hours Back


I was not fucking ready for this day. I was standing in front of my mirror, all ready to go out to work but thinking that what should I do and how should I start with my new client because this Amelia was not someone that could be handled easily. I turned from there, moved towards the bed's side table where I had kept Amelia's File. Of course, this was going to be tuff but I had to stick through this because this was the last and the only option I got.

I took everything that I needed, her files, my phone, car keys and started moving out of my apartment with my belongings but as I opened my door and there she was standing.

My neighbor and friend, Sameera Seira.

Sam was originally from Ontario, Canada. Shifted here in Los Angeles a few years back. She still had some different accent but it worked for her getting her the job which she wanted. She might look like an uptight, with full of attitude kind of person because of how she carries herself and how she looked like a model with all her beautiful features and especially her eyes because they had been really rarest of the rare colour and that would be pink coloured eyes.

When i first saw her eyes i was literally shocked and even i had a slight crush on her because of that but not after knowing her. I realised we were quite different after knowing her properly. We were just soo different for each other.

Moreover, I had never felt like that i was like genuinely interested in her so it would not be appropriate to even ask her out.

Plus, She had a boyfriend at that time when she shifted and it's been four years since they broke up and Sam had been single handedly raising her daughter because of that asshole boyfriend. He left her when he found out she was pregnant.

Her daughter, Kera, and I went to our dates regularly since she was two years old. I would say we had been close until recently. She started going to School and I didn't want to disturb her at night because i usually come later at night when she was already slept.

I miss that kid.

"What do I owe the pleasure to meet you this morning?" Standing in a professional business suit, with two cups of coffee in hand, One was mine, a strong black coffee and another one was hers an Americano latte.

Though the gesture was rather sweet but I could not deal with her this early in the morning.

Sameera or Sam which I always called her, could be very annoying, intellectual, and sometimes sexy at this time of the day. I had met some people who will always be high on the energy but then there's Sameera she always looks like she didn't travel the subway to go to work and had never worked a nine to six job.

Yup, that energetic.

Even if she had a fight with someone in her workplace she would still remain soo positive and optimistic that I couldn't even take it. How was it even possible for the people who were working in the finance field to be this calm. I am unable to understand this.

"Good Morning to you too! What a great morning person you are," She gave me my black coffee as we both entered the elevator which was already on our floor, courtesy of Miss Sameera.

"Let me ask again what do you want Sam?"

"Sheesh...what got into your pants this morning?" She irritatingly asked.

"Just feeling peachy today," I murmured while taking a sip. I really felt a little awkward because it was not her mistake it was me only who was having these nervous jitters and the outcome was not good, "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Nothing much actually, Just wanted to ask how's your job doing. There were some problems, right? Is everything alright now?" I felt worse now. She just wanted to ask about my job and I was being an ass to her.

"Barely survived this time and that boss of mine has given me an impossible task, I don't even know if I can save my job or not. It's sort of a do or die situation for me," We both exited the building and there were already some cabs waiting. "Anyways I hope you are doing alright? Kera joining School might get your schedule hectic. How's she doing by the way? Meeting new friends? Ah...I miss her more now."

"I am..handling just fine. Getting to know that parenting isn't easy and this is just the starting. Kera is also doing fine, came to know she's an extrovert like me, made friends quite easy and she misses you too, we should have some dinner sometime to catch up on some news and you'll also get to meet Kera." She said everything soo enthusiastically that it made me smile.

"Sure thing, I would love that too but right now I need to go," I watched my watch to see the time and guess what - already late for today. "Okay bye, See you around." I kissed her cheek, hurriedly opened the Cab door and spoke my new office address to the driver.

"Bye, See you later!"


As I entered the photo studio, there was no one who could help me where I had to go. There was no receptionist on the desk, not people who might be working in the studio. Not even a single soul. It was like as if today was a holiday and I was just wrongly informed about the date and time or this could be the wrong address.

I started walking towards the exit, suddenly I heard something.

A scream.

A female was screaming followed by many more voices.

I followed the voices, there were people surrounding near the door and the screaming was coming from inside that door.

People were just standing and doing nothing, there was a woman there who was screaming continuously and they were standing like lemmings.

Not doing anything just standing except for two-three people who were trying to do something but failing.

I can't watch this! How stupid and irresponsible these people can be.

"Somebody call 911!" I said and didn't even think twice and rushed there to help those people. "You should have called for help earlier. I think we should just break the door."

"Yeah, I agree, These people could not even find the spare keys of this door," The man who was rushing the things agreed with the suggestion and others nodded their heads too. "I hope somebody called 911"

"Yes, I called, they are coming." A woman with short hair replied.

"Okay, On the count of three we are going to run forward, towards that door and through our shoulders let's try to break it. Alright?" The two guys nodded.

"I would like to request to all of you to please take a step back," I said to the people who were just standing there and watching the show. "Let's do this, One. Two. Three." We ran towards the door and tried to break the door through the support of our shoulders.

The woman was continuously asking for help from inside, after four times the door finally broke and we were able to see what exactly happened in this room.

I was shocked.

No, scratch that, it was an understatement.

It was appalling and the most dreadful thing and I might have an idea who did this.

Rebellious NightingaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant