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toxic breakfast


next day

Andre woke up extra early because today was a serious day. Cookie had shown up at Empire yesterday, and he was still shook about it because his concerns had been completely valid. She was trying to be a part of Empire, which meant his job was at risk.

Andre was going to be the first one at work today, and he wasn't going to slack. He wasn't going to chat with Becky or anyone. He was going to focus on his tasks so that Lucious could see what a good businessman he was. Cookie could not replace him.

He quickly got ready, but Rhonda unfortunately woke up. "Uh...Andre? Where are you going?"

"I gotta get to Empire."

Rhonda slowly sat up and checked the time. "I know you have work today, but it's an hour early."

"I can't be late, Rhonda!"

"Late? It's an hour early!"

He looked at her. "Yes, but what if Cookie's there already? She might be trying to impress Lucious with her punctuality."

"So that's what this is about. Cookie." Rhonda sighed and got out of bed. "Okay, you need to sit down."

"No! I need to get to Empire!"

"Sit, Andre!" Rhonda forced him to sit down and he huffed. Then she said, "What's going on with you? Seriously? First, you didn't want me telling Cookie about Empire, and now you're scared she's gonna arrive before you?"

He explained himself. "Look, Cookie showed up at Empire yesterday, and I'm worried she's going to steal my position."

"That's not going to happen, Andre. Lucious isn't going to replace you in the snap of a finger."

"How do you know?"

"Because you've been working for your father for years. You have experience; Cookie doesn't," Rhonda said.

"But he loved her, Rhonda. And my mother is very persistent. If she wants something, she gets it."

"Well, if you're this worried, then maybe you need to talk to Lucious. He'll tell you where his head is at," Rhonda suggested.

Andre nodded. "You're right. I need to talk to Pop."

Right now.

Andre barged into Lucious' mansion. "Pop! Pop!"

He rushed into the living room and saw Lucious sitting on the couch. "What's up, Andre? It's early."

"I need to talk to you about my job at Empire."

"So do I." Lucious got up and put his hand on his shoulder proudly. "You've been doing a fantastic job, son. You're a real asset to the company, and I'm proud of you."

Andre was so confused right now. "So...Cookie's not replacing me?"

Now Lucious was confused. "Why would your mother replace you?"

"Because she showed up yesterday, and-"

He cut Andre off. "She was only there for Royalty. She's not coming back to Empire again."


"So you're good, Andre. Cookie's never working there."

Andre was so relieved. Suddenly, they heard Cookie yelling, "Good morning, family!" She focused on Andre. "Oh, Andre! I'm so glad you're here because I wanted to talk to you."

𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲, 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 ¹Where stories live. Discover now