twenty eight.

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next day

Cookie sat at the dining table, sipping her coffee angrily. A part of herself regretted moving in with Lucious' hating ass. She couldn't believe he didn't want Jamal performing for her. She also couldn't believe Lucious thought he deserved a song over her. Yes, she was gone for seventeen years, but it was for him. She was glad Jamal was smart enough to realize that.

Some of Jamal's lyrics had shocked her. She wasn't expecting him to tell the world about the issues she had with her father. It brought back horrible flashbacks, but she knew her baby didn't mean any harm. She appreciated the song, and it felt good to see her sons perform live. Even though Hakeem did some crazy mess last night. But Cookie wasn't even going to talk about that.

Lucious walked in. "Morning, Cookie." She just sipped her coffee, and Lucious didn't like her silence. "You know, if you're gonna live in my house, the least you can do is say hello."

"Leave me alone, Lucious. I don't wanna talk to you ever again."

"You're still mad about last night? It's over with, Cookie. Jamal performed regardless."

"He almost didn't because of you!" she shouted. "Why is it such a problem for my son to write a song about me? I'm his mother!"

"You weren't his mother for seventeen years. That's why it's a problem," Lucious shouted back. "I was here for him when you weren't."

"I would've been here if it wasn't for you, genius. Jamal knows that."

"Well, you know what? Jamal can write all the songs in the world about you. I don't care anymore. But they will not be on his album," Lucious announced.

Cookie shook her head angrily. "You're so threatened."

"Of what?"

"Me!" she answered matter of factly. "You've always been threatened by me, Lucious. That's why you let the world forget about me, and now you're trying to erase me out of my kids lives too."

"If the world forgot about you, I guess you weren't that important, Cookie," Lucious dissed.

Those words actually hurt her. She stood up and pointed at him. "You know, I try so hard to be nice to you because you're dying. But the truth is, you don't deserve kindness. You're the devil incarnate, and you're going straight to hell when you die."

Lucious wasn't even fazed by that. "I guess I'll be seeing you there, sinner." Yeah, whatever. She rolled her eyes and walked out. "And, Cookie! I have a question for you about that one line Jamal wrote. About you seeing your father in my eyes. That's true?"

The mention of her father triggered her. She got in Lucious' face. "Don't ever talk about my father! He never liked you, and now I see why!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I should've never messed with you, Lucious. Daddy would still be alive right now."

That hurt Lucious bad, she could see it on his face. Cookie didn't care because it was the truth. Her father had that heart attack because of the trouble she gave him over Lucious. He knew Lucious was no good, and she should've listened to him.

Lucious sounded sad. "You mean that?"

"Yeah, I mean it! I always will!"

Lucious' hurt shifted into anger. "Well, if you feel that way, you can get out of my house!"

"I will. I'm staying with Candace for a couple of days."

"Don't bother coming back. Jamal ain't here anymore."

Cookie backed away from him. "But my princess is, so I will be back."

"Yeah, we'll see."

Cookie snorted as she walked out. How many times did she have to tell Lucifer that he couldn't keep a Cookie down?


Jamal was playing some keys on the piano that was in the middle of his condo as Mateo barged in. "Jamal! You gotta see this!"


Mateo showed him the trending page on Twitter. Jamal was on there. "Hold up, I'm trending on Twitter?"

"Yup. Right under Hakeem and Tiana," Mateo exclaimed. "And look at this: everyone's saying they can't wait for your next album."

"For real?"

"Yes! You're not a struggling artist anymore, babe! That song was a hit, and I think bringing Cookie on stage with you made it even more special. It got everyone in their feelings."

Jamal scoffed. "Yeah, even Lucious. That's why he stormed out like a baby."

"Fuck his feelings. Your mom deserved that song."

"I know. But now everyone wants me to make an album and it's like...damn." Jamal sighed.

"You don't wanna make an album?"

"Not anymore because that's what Lucious wants us to do, remember? I don't wanna satisfy him. But I also don't wanna disappoint my new fans. I don't wanna go back to being the washed up Lyon."

Mateo said, "I say you make the album. You're finally getting the recognition you dreamed of. You cannot let Lucious take that from you."

"Yeah, you're right." Jamal exhaled deeply. "Well, I guess I have some more songs to write then."

Mateo smiled. "I'm going to help you, but not right now. I gotta go."


"I gotta check on Maddie. I've been spending a lot of time here. She's probably lonely."

Jamal spoke sheepishly. "I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I was thinking...what if you moved out of Maddie's place, and moved in here?"

Mateo blinked in disbelief. "Here? Like, into this condo?"

"Yeah! It's a nice place, right? There's enough room for all of your stuff."

Mateo looked around. "Yeah it is nice, but Lucious is the one paying for this place."


"You know he hates my guts, Jamal. If he finds out I moved in, I don't want him to cut you off financially."

Jamal laughed. "Trust me, if Lucious cuts me off, it's not gonna be because of you. It's gonna be because of the song I wrote for Ma. But Lucious' hatred for me is so immense, I don't think he wants me to step foot in his mansion again. So I think we're good. Will you move in?"

"If that's what you want, then fine. But how am I gonna break the news to Maddie?" Mateo asked. "She's gonna be devastated."

Jamal just repeated his words. "I'mma help you."

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