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not about that life


Cookie was thinking real hard about what Lucious had told her. She needed to get Hakeem to warm up to her because she didn't want her son hating her.

Lucious was right; the only way they'd bond was through the music. However, Cookie hadn't listened to a single one of Hakeem's songs. She didn't know where to begin.

Suddenly, Jamal walked into the house. "Oh, Jamal! Come here, baby!"

Jamal walked up to her. "Hey, Ma."

"Let me ask you something. Hakeem's successful, right?" she asked.

"Yeah. He's one of Empire's top artists," Jamal confirmed.

"Can I listen to his songs?"

Jamal pulled out his phone. "Yeah. I have a couple downloaded, and I don't know why. I don't even listen to them. I just wanted to support him, I guess."

That shocked Cookie. "You don't like his music?"

"Nope. When you listen to his songs, you'll see why." Jamal played five of Hakeem's songs, and they were all talking about the same thing: killing. Hakeem was rapping about how he'd killed his enemies, which Cookie knew was a bold face lie. That boy hadn't even held a gun before.

Cookie had been in prison for seventeen years, so she wouldn't know if he'd touched a gun, but she was certain he hadn't. She knew when someone was about that life, and her baby was not about that life.

The fact that Lucious allowed her son to rap about that crap disgusted her. She looked at Jamal with disgust on her face. "This is what he raps about?"

"Yeah, it's pretty disturbing. It wasn't like that in the beginning, but then everything turned violent."

"Your father allows it?"

Jamal nodded. "The people love it. And you know Lucious only cares about the money."

Well, now Cookie had to fix this. "Thank you for showing me this, Jamal. I wanna hear what you've been making too, but I need to talk to your brother about this nonsense."

"Okay. I actually wanted your help with some lyrics for my album. Mateo's helping me, but I could use your insight."

Her ears perked up. "Mateo. That's the guy you like?"


"Can I meet him?"

Jamal laughed a little. "Of course. Lucious doesn't like him very much, so I know Mateo will appreciate your kindness."

Cookie smiled. "Okay. And I'll be honored to help you, baby. Just let me talk to your brother."

"I'll be here."

Cookie went straight up to Hakeem's room. He'd been cooped up in there all day, probably writing more disgusting lyrics. She opened the door and Hakeem was sitting on his bed with headphones on. "So you're a killer now, huh?"

Hakeem took off his headphones. "What do you want?"

"What I want is for you to stop making the type of songs you make. Lying about being a killer? Really, Hakeem?"

"Listen, I'm not two anymore. I'm a grown ass man; I can do what I want," Hakeem argued.

She got in his face now because he was pissing her off. "You need to stop rapping like you're from the streets. You're not about that life."

"You don't know what I'm about!" Hakeem yelled in her face as he stood up.

Cookie quizzed him. "Have you killed before? Have you sold drugs like me and your daddy?"

"No, but that doesn't mean I won't."

"If you do, I'mma bust your head open!"

"And you'll go to jail where you belong!" Hakeem threatened back.

Cookie glared at him while slowly backing up towards the door. She said what she had to say. If he kept making that kind of music, they were gonna have problems.

She said one last thing. "The streets ain't made for everybody, Hakeem. That's why they made sidewalks. Stay on it!"


"Stay on it, or it's your ass!"

And she wasn't playing.


Cookie stormed out of Hakeem's room, and he was getting so tired of that cookie monster starting shit with him. Lucious needed to handle her once and for all. She shouldn't be coming to the mansion anyway. He was gonna let Lucious know that.

He barged into his bedroom. "Yo, Pop! Tell Cookie to stop pressing me! She doesn't mess with no one else!"

Lucious focused on the computer screen. "That's because you give her the most trouble, son."

"I didn't do anything today. I was in my room minding my business, and she came in saying that I can't rap about killing."

"Tell your mother you're allowed to express yourself in your music."

"You need to tell her. She doesn't listen to a thing I say."

"I'll talk to her later. I'm busy right now."

Hakeem focused on his computer screen and saw that he was doing research on ALS. Hakeem sat next to him sadly. "I can't believe you're dying in three years."

"Me either. I guess this is payback for me leaving Cookie hanging for all those years," he said.

Hakeem disagreed. "That's not your fault. She chose to take the fall for you."

"I know. This still feels like karma though."

That made Hakeem frown because this was some bullshit. "Maybe the doctor was lying. Maybe there is a cure."

Lucious shut down his theories. "There's not, son. My nerve cells are going to break down until my body can't function anymore. My legs are already giving up."

Hakeem was so angry. "Man, how did you even get this ALS thing anyway?"

"The cause is unknown. It just happens to certain people."

"Well...I'm going to be CEO, right?"

Lucious looked at him seriously. "It's a competition, Hakeem."

"But I'm your favorite!"

"Yes you are, but your mother's right. You all deserve a fair chance."

"But me being your favorite puts me ahead, right?"

Lucious huffed. "If I say yes, will you get out of my face?"


"Then yes."

Hakeem was satisfied. "Cool."

He got up and headed towards the door. Lucious wasn't done talking though. "And, Hakeem. Try to ease up on Cookie. I'm tired of the arguing."

"She needs to ease up on me. She's controlling and abusive."

"I understand that, but when I'm gone, you're gonna need her."

"I'm not-"

Lucious cut him off. "You're gonna need her. You all are. So try to be nicer for me?"

Lucious was giving him a pleading look, so Hakeem rolled his eyes and gave in. "Yeah, I'll try."

But no promises.

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