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keep that same energy


Tiana and Royalty were spending their lunch break at a nearby McDonald's. Yes, they had money, but they still ate like some cheap hoes.

They stood outside of the McDonald's and Royalty said, "So, what are we ordering?"

Tiana thought about it. "I don't know. I'm kinda craving a Big Mac."

"Damn. You're small, but you eat big," Royalty joked.

Tiana laughed. "What do you want?"

Royalty shrugged. "Maybe some nuggets."

"Alright, let's go."

As soon as they were about to walk in, Hakeem and Blake did instead. Tiana and Royalty stared at them in disbelief because what were they doing there?

Royalty fixated on them with crossed arms. "Are they following us?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

They went inside and stood right behind Hakeem and Blake on the line. Hakeem was ordering a bunch of food, including a Big Mac and nuggets, which was suspicious. When he was done, Hakeem spoke to them. "You guys don't have to order; I just did it for you. I'm paying, by the way."

Hakeem grabbed the food as Tiana stared at him suspiciously. Why was he acting nice all of a sudden? Wasn't he just dissing her, and saying he didn't like her? What games was he playing?

Hakeem and Blake went to a table, and the girls went too. Hakeem started handing out the food. "Here's your nuggets, Ro."

Royalty grabbed the nuggets hesitantly. "Thanks...?"

"And here's your Big Mac, Tiana."

Tiana grabbed the box. "How did you know what we wanted?"

"Ro's my sister. I know what she likes."

"Okay, and how'd you know I wanted a Big Mac?"

Hakeem just said, "Girls like you always do."

Tiana looked at him distastefully. "Girls like me?" She knew this was some phony shit. "You know what? Keep your food, because if you came here on some disrespectful shit-"

"I'm not here for that. I'm here because, this tension?I'm not having it," Hakeem said.

"Well, maybe if you didn't make stupid ass comments-"

Hakeem sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean anything bad by it. Can we please just eat?"

Well, she was hungry. So she guessed they could eat. "Okay. But just because I'm eating this food, doesn't mean I forgive you."

Hakeem nodded and they all ate in silence. Tiana peeped what Blake was doing though. He kept staring at Royalty nonstop, and Hakeem was doing the same to Tiana. Then Hakeem questioned her. "You've been showing Ro around, huh? You know, I could've shown you around, Ro."

"Am I not doing a good job?" Tiana asked back.

"You're doing great, sweety," Hakeem said in an old woman voice.

Tiana wanted to laugh, but she didn't want to give him that satisfaction. Instead, she rolled her eyes playfully.

Royalty laughed though. "You two would honestly be cute together."

That made Tiana annoyed all over again. "Well, apparently, I'm not good enough for him."

Hakeem frowned. "I didn't say all that, Tiana."

"Really? That's what you told Jamal," Royalty exposed. Tiana sat there in shock. He said what?

Hakeem scowled at her. "Yo, you dead ass?"

"She's not lying," Blake chimed in.

"Oh really?" Tiana scoffed angrily, shook her head, and stood up. "You know what? Thanks for the food, but I'm leaving."

She really walked off too, but Hakeem chased her. "Tiana, wait!"

"What am I waiting for, Hakeem? To be disrespected again?!"

"I'm not trying to disrespect you!"

"You just did! Twice! So why should I stay?"

"Because we're friends," Hakeem declared. "Or at least we were, before all of this catching feelings shit complicated things."

"Well sorry, Hakeem. I can't control my feelings."

"Can you try? Can we just focus on the music like we've been doing, and not get love involved?" Hakeem pleaded.

That made her even more angry. "Wow. You really don't fuck with me."


She didn't let him finish. "You wanna know what I think about what you just said, Hakeem? You wanna know what I think about you in general?" She pointed at a nearby trash can. "That's what I think. You're trash, so goodbye!"

Tiana stormed out. Hakeem called her name, but she didn't go back. Why would she? He was constantly disrespecting her, and he had the audacity to say she wasn't good enough for him? Now he was trying to switch up and be nice?

Naaaa. He needed to keep that same energy. Because she would.


All of Cookie's babies were busy at Empire, and she didn't wanna distract them today. They needed to focus on the music, so she was walking around with her sisters.

"So, how'd it go with the kids?" Carol asked eagerly.

"It was great, but Hakeem is trouble," Cookie answered. "Did you know that Lucious let him drop out of school at 16 to focus on Empire?"

Candace's jaw dropped. "Oh no he didn't!"

"He sure did! That damn fool!"

Carol shook her head. "I keep saying it; I can't stand that trash they call a man."

Cookie agreed. "Me either. But Hakeem's going to get his GED. Believe that."

"What if he doesn't want to?" Candace asked.

"Then he's not my son."

"He'll probably be happy to hear that," Candace warned.

Cookie had a sour look on her face now. "Yeah, I know. I clearly have a lot of parenting to do, and it has me thinking, y'all."

"About what?" Candace wondered.

"That maybe I should move out of your place, and move into Lucious'."

Candace and Carol stopped dead in their tracks after that. Carol spoke first. "Did you just say what I think you said? You wanna move in with that trash man?!"

Candace added on to that. "Cookie, are you sure you're moving in for the kids, or for Lucious?"

"I don't care about Lucious, Candace. But I have a lot of making up to do thanks to him. My kids need their mother."

"I understand that, but I don't think Lucious is going to allow it. Just like how I don't think he's gonna give you half of the company."

"He doesn't have a choice on the matter. I'm getting what I deserve." But Candace was right; Lucious wasn't going to be okay with Cookie living with him and the kids. He didn't even want her stepping foot inside of that mansion. He was only allowing it because of her princess.

Well, he didn't have a choice but to let her move in. She wanted to see her babies. All of the time.

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