forty four.

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Andre asked around for Lucious' whereabouts. He was told Lucious was in the conference room, so that was where he headed. He was a little on edge because he knew Lucious wouldn't be happy with him once he confessed to ruining the family. He wouldn't make Andre CEO. He might even fire him!

But this had to be done. Jamal's life was depending on it, so Andre made it to the conference room and saw Lucious heading out. "Pop! Don't leave yet. I need to talk to you."

Jamal made his exit. "Well, I'mma go."

Andre stopped him too. "No. I need to talk to you too."

"This can't wait until later, Dre?" Lucious asked.

"It really can't."

"Alright. Make this quick."

They stepped into the room and Andre swallowed hard. "Um, you two should sit."

Jamal obeyed. "What's going on?"

Andre took a deep breath and said, "There's something I need to tell you in regards to the things that have been happening in this family."

"You mean all of the drama?"

"That's exactly what I mean. You see, I-"

But Hakeem banged on the glass, cutting him off. "Come outside, Jamal! We can go at it right now!"

Hakeem banged on the glass like there was no tomorrow, and Andre was annoyed. He was trying to confess!"

Hakeem banged on the glass some more. "Come out, goofy! Be bold again!"

Jamal sprung up from his seat and was about to leave the room, but Lucious stopped him. The security guards handled Hakeem as well, but Lucious didn't like how aggressive they were being, so he interfered.

"Get in here, Hakeem!" he demanded viciously before pushing him inside. "And someone bring me my daughter!"

Hakeem and Jamal gave each other a lethal glare, and Andre was ready to break them up if they started fighting.

Lucious scolded Hakeem. "What is wrong with you, Hakeem? Bringing that drama to my company?"

"Jamal was telling the reporters that he wants to fight. Let's go then, goofy!" Hakeem lunged at Jamal, but Andre held him back. He wasn't fighting at Empire anymore.

Royalty walked in nervously. "Uh...what's going on?"

"Good. You're here. I'mma need all of you to sit your asses down!" Lucious yelled. They all sat, and he paced around in front of them. "This beef you two have has been going on for far too long. Now you're bringing it to Empire, and I'm not tolerating it anymore."

"I'm supposed to just forgive him for ruining my life?" Jamal said angrily. 

"I'm not saying that, but can you two please act professional while you're in this building? And stop welcoming the world into your business!"

Hakeem shrugged. "Whatever. I'm not stressing him."

"But my name is always in your mouth," Jamal retorted.

"And my name is always in yours!"

"That's enough!" Lucious snapped. "Did you two not hear a word I just said?"

Jamal huffed. "I'll keep it professional."

Hakeem glared at Jamal. "I will too."

Royalty raised a finger in the air. "That's great and all, but what does this have to do with me?"

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