Let me know you better (2)

115 5 28

? 🤨


You okay, Y/N?

I'm so sorry

For what?

I shouldn't have asked

Mr Jeon:
No, no, it's okay

To tell the truth, I've wanted to tell someone this

I don't really have anyone to share my feelings with

Well, starting from today

I'm your talk buddy

Mr Jeon:

You can share whatever you want with me

And I can share whatever I want with you



Why not?


Good 😊

Share with me then, Koo


Do ya mind?

Sometimes, I think you forget I'm still your teacher

I ain't bothered to write your full name all the time!

Ugh fine

Y/N changed 'Jungkook' to 'Koo'

My parents always used to fight. There wasn't a day where they wouldn't. And they would fight even on the smallest of things like who's gonna drive today or who's gonna drop Jungkook to school and stuff like that.

One day, my mum was expecting. She was pregnant. I was actually happy thinking I would have a younger sibling to play with.

However, dad was unhappy. He said... that the baby isn't his. Cause they didn't do 'it' ever since I was born.

Then, mum told us the truth. She had a boyfriend. That's when she left us to marry her boyfriend.

After that, dad was miserable. He didn't care about me anymore. He started doing bad stuff.

I ain't gonna tell you what cause you're too young.

Dad found another woman. She was pretty but I hated her. She was a gold digger. But my dad was too blind to notice. Then, they got married. And my life got 10 times harder. I hate to say this but, I was like the male version of Cinderella.

I was finally old enough to move out and I did. I didn't want to stay in that shitty life any longer.

After that, dad died. Luckily, he didn't inherit his fortune to that gold digger. He gave it all to me.

So now, I'm here. Living alone. No parents. No partner. I've been through struggles but, I've learned, and changed. I'm not weak anymore. I can fight for myself, defend, and be myself.

Texting Teach - JJK (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora