1. Job

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I could feel my heart thumping in my throat.

I was nervous.

But I was always nervous on my first day on the job.

I mean who isn't, right?

I've had several jobs before, some simple ones like waiting tables and such.

But never something significant.

I looked out of the window of the cab, watching the streets flash by.

Who would've thought that my first job out of college would be something so big?

Certainly not me.

When I had applied my resume to the vacancy the Big Hit Entertainment had put out, I'd never expected to actually get it. After all, I barely had any experience and I had just gotten out of college.

Nervously I played with my hair as I watched the sun slowly set, outside of the car window.

The job description had been vague, and during the job interview, the workers didn't give me much information about what it was exactly they wanted me to do.

All I knew was this:
1. It would be a 24/7 job. Meaning no time for friends or family. Not that I had any since I had immigrated to Korea.
2. The paycheck was enormous. If my calculations were correct, and I could keep doing this job for at least 5 years, saving up most of my salary (not that I would have time to spend it anyway), I would almost be settled for life.
3. Anything that I would experience should be kept secret. This had been very important to the bosses since they had mentioned it several times during my interview. I was not to talk to anyone outside my job about the job. Not even the bosses themselves.
4. I would get instructions from my clients about what it is that I should do exactly.

This last point had helped me a lot while trying to figure out what the hell it was they wanted from me. Apparently, I had several clients: I would have to work for or manage multiple people. Since Big Hit Entertainment was a company that managed many k-pop stars, I imagined it would be probably a new group that was about to debut or something.

They probably expected me to help them with their schedule or something, making sure they'd be on time for practices and whatnot.

But then, why would the clients be the ones to instruct me? Surely if this was the case, the bosses would instruct me, not the client?

'We're here,' the cab driver spoke. I blinked.

The cab had stopped in front of a large concrete entrance, that had guards and a barrier guarding and checking everyone that came in and out of the place.

'Oh,' I breathed. My heart pounded loudly.

'Do you need any help with your bags?' the cabbie offered politely.

'No need, thank you,' I thanked him. After all, I only had one suitcase.

I paid the cabbie and got my stuff out of the trunk.

The cab immediately drove off into the night.

I wasn't sure what to do. Nervously I walked up to one of the guards at the entrance.

'Erm, hello,' I started, my voice slightly shaking.

The guard didn't say anything.

'I'm y/n and I'm starting my new job today and I was told this was the address...' I said, my voice trailing away as the guard stared down at me unblinkingly.

I wasn't sure what next to say. I didn't even know what my job description was.

I looked at the space behind the gates. It reminded me a lot of a luxury hotel or apartment complex. The ones you would see in k-dramas where the CEOs would live.

Definitely not a place a group that still had to debut would live. They could never afford it. I could never afford it.

'Identification,' the guard said unexpectedly.

I quickly rummaged through my bag and pulled out my passport, giving it to him.

The guard inspected it carefully, before giving it back to me.

'Follow me,' he commanded, walking away with big steps.

I had to run to keep up with him. I had barely any time to look around properly.

There were large condos stacked upon one another. Separate buildings, all with large windows and luxurious-looking balconies and gardens.

This had to be a place where big celebrities lived.

'In here,' the guard said after a while, leading me into one of the large uniform buildings.

The more I saw of the place the more my thoughts were confirmed. This was NOT a place for a rookie idol group.

'This door,' the guard said suddenly when we were standing in front of a large wooden door. He abruptly turned around and walked away.

'Thanks,' I mumbled.

I stared at the high door.

Dear god, what had I gotten myself into?

I closed my eyes shut for a moment and took a deep breath.

Calm your mind

I pressed the doorbell.

'Who is it?' a male voice came from the little speaker

'Hi, I'm y/n. I'm here for the... job?' I said hesitantly, not knowing what else to call it.

The door gave a buzz and I pushed it to open. It was a very heavy door so it took some effort because I was using one hand to hold my suitcase.

With my backside first I entered the hallway, closing the door behind me.

I turned around and my heart skipped a beat.

A group of young men was standing in the hallway, looking at me with curiosity and interest.

I quickly bowed deeply at them.

'Good evening, my name is y/n' I reintroduced myself.

I straightened my back and saw all of them smirk at each other.

A quick count told me there were seven of them. Seven men from, what I guessed, my age. All with different hair colors and postures.

And all very, very handsome...

I nervously smiled at them as they exchanged peculiar looks with each other.

'You'll do just fine,' the tallest man said. He winked at me and grinned.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

Oh, dear...

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