12. Sorry

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Y O U R    P E R S P E C T I V E

'Ah, there you are,' Jimin said as he saw me striding into the living room.

He was holding several large, pink shopping bags in his arms as he beamed at me. His face was truly a piece of art, but I wouldn't let myself get distracted by that. Not this time.

'You needed me, Mr. Park,' I said, my tone harsh as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. I felt like I could split a log with my bare hands at this point.

I read his reaction to my change of attitude towards him. He had probably also noticed that I called him Mr. Park instead of Oppa. 

'Yes,' Jimin said, the smile on his face sagging and making a place for a slight frown.

'I... I got you your new uniforms...' His voice trailed away when he saw my face. 

The fucking uniform.

I felt the fire in my increase.

Was I really nothing more than an object of lust to them?

'Right,' I said snappy, not moving an inch.

Jimin stared at me with uncertainty.

'Are you... okay?' he asked.

Was that genuine concern on his face?

I lifted my chin as I studied him standing there with the bags in his arms. He had been such a teaser before. A real charmer. But now he seemed small and vulnerable as he stood there with those bags in his hands, looking at me as if I was his favorite stuffed animal that had gotten torn up. 

This must've been how I had looked at them in the first place. 

Well, I would give him some of their own medicine. 

I walked over to him, giving him a push causing him to fall back into the seat that was standing behind him. He looked at me in utter surprise, the bags still in his hands

I crawled onto his lap, straddling him. He had nowhere to go. 

Uncomfortably he shifted in his seat.

'Now what?' I said, my face close to his. Although I was furious with all of them, I still felt the urge to kiss him. I ignored it.

'What? What are you...?' Jimin said, his voice bewildered as he was still shifting beneath me.

'Is this what you want?' I hissed angrily.

He looked at me with big surprised eyes, not saying anything. 

I bend forwards so my lips almost brushed his ear and I could feel him shiver beneath me.

'Did you guys hire me as your whore?' I whispered into his ear. 


J I M I N   P E R S P E C T I V E

Her question shocked me. 

'What?' I exclaimed. I wished she would get off of me. So I talk to her normally, but she had her arms wrapped around my neck and there was no way for me to leave.

'I said did you guys hire me as your whore,' she said louder now as she looked me directly in the face. 

I could see tears or fury in her eyes.

My god. We had messed this up somehow already.

'NO,' I said resolutely. 

'Then why did you hire me?' she demanded to know.

'Well, it's like Joon said, we needed someone to be our cleaning lady, our nanny, our planner, our manager, etc,' I said frowning.

'No, why did you hire ME?' she spat. 

'Oh,' I breathed.

She looked so scary and pitiful at the same time.

'It wouldn't be because of my credentials, because I barely have any,' she raged at me. 'So why?' 

I wasn't sure what to tell her.

'Isn't it because you all crushed on me?' she said.

She knew. She knew the truth. 

My mouth felt dry.

'Isn't it because you all couldn't stop thinking about me, and still can't stop thinking about me?' she said, her cheeks slightly pink. 

I had to get her off of me before she'd feel my boner. I couldn't help it, she was just too pretty. Even when she was pissed.

I carefully grabbed her waist and lifted her up as I stood up, then put her down so she was standing on her own two feet again. I grabbed her hands from behind my neck and unlocked them, holding her hands in front of me.

Her eyes were still wet with anger.

I sighed.

'You are correct about that last part,' I said softly, not daring to look at her.  She immediately ripped her hands from my grasp and took a step back.

'Y/n, listen to me, let me explain,' I said hastily. She looked at me as if I was a monster. And she was right.

'Fine, yes, we all like you. A lot. Even though we barely know you. But we NEVER hired you to be our whore. We DID hire you for all those things I said earlier, Joon said earlier. And I know it's a fuck up on our side to hire someone we actually like, but we would NEVER EVER do something untoward to you,' I tried to explain.

She scoffed and looked away from me, folding her arms in front of her.

'Trust me, none of the boys, including me, have ever done and would ever do anything unless we knew that person would want it,' I promised her. I could see her face turn red as she stared at the floor. More anger?

'We'd just thought that if we'd have someone we'd like to look after us, we'd listen better to that person because we'd want to impress her. You,' I tried to explain.

She still didn't look at me.

God had we fucked this up.

'Honestly, we'd never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or like you were our whore,' I said, feeling my heart break for her. I spotted the bags on the floor and felt like even more of an asshole.

'That stupid uniform... It was a joke. My idea. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry,' I said. I went down on my knees and bowed to her.

I had never felt so stupid in my life. I wanted to kick myself. Scream "I'm sorry" to her until my vocal cords would give out.

I looked up at her, only to see her crying. This absolutely shattered me.

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