6. Dinner

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Y O U R   P E R S P E C T I V E

When Seokjin and I got back home again, the others were still in their own rooms. Or at least, that's what I assumed, since none of them were in the living room. 

'I'll guess I'll get started on that floor then,' I said grimly, looking at the dirty spots on the ground.

'Right,' Seokjin said rubbing his neck. 'I have some e-mails I have to respond to, so I'll be in my room. If you need me...' he said, his voice trailing away, pointing at one of the doors.

'Thanks, Oppa, I'll be fine,' I smiled at him. 

I went back into my room to change back into the stupid maid outfit. 

It took quite a while to finish cleaning the floor. At some places, vacuuming hadn't been enough and I'd had to really scrubs the stains out. 

When I was finally done, I looked at my watch. 

Hours had already passed by and it was almost time for dinner. 

I looked at the luxurious kitchen. 

Would they have stuff in the fridge?

I walked over and opened the fridge. 

To my surprise, it was well stocked. Not just with snacks or drinks, but also with healthy foods. I looked through it carefully. 

They had exactly the right ingredients to make a dish from my home country. 

I bit my lip.

I've never been a great cook, nor did I necessarily like cooking. 

But I wanted to make a good impression, and I was curious to see their reaction to my native dish.

It would be a lot of work though.

A lot of work...

'Well, better get on with it,'  I mumbled to myself.

A few heartburns, finger cuts, and overcooked pans later, I was finally done.

I looked at the result, pleased to see how it had turned out. 

I looked at my watch. 

Perfect timing, it was around dinner time. 

I set the table for the eight of us, constantly looking up in hopes they would come out of their rooms themselves. 

They didn't.

I would probably have to go and get them.

I started at Seokjin's door as I felt most comfortable with him right now. 

I knocked thrice.

'Oppa?' I said.

No reaction

'Oppa?' I repeated, a little louder now, 'Dinner is ready,'

I heard some movement behind the door.

Seokjin opened it and I caught a glimpse of his room. 

The furniture was simple and sleek in pastel colors and it looked quite neat. 

'Dinner is ready?' Seokjin repeated a slightly confused look on his face. 

'I made dinner,' I explained.

'Oh,' a clear look of surprise on his face.

He scanned the room, saw the set table, and looked back at me.

7 & meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora