3. Spell

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Y O U R   P E R S P E C T I V E

'So this is your room,' Namjoon said, opening the door for me.

The room was large, larger than any bedroom I had ever been in. It had a beautiful kingsized bed against the back wall. On the opposing side were two large closets, which I would never be able to fill, and a cute make-up table in between with a large mirror.  

My eyes went wide in awe. 

'Sorry, about the size. It might be the smallest room in the house, but at least it has its own bathroom,' Namjoon apologized, pointing to the door at the other side of the room.

'Thank you so much,' I bowed deeply to him and the boys who were standing behind him. 

'Some of the furniture might be a bit damaged since this used to be my old room,' Yoongi said, standing in the door opening and rubbing his thumb over a dent in the doorpost. 

'We also didn't have time to install a TV and computer for you yet,' Jungkook said, pointing out the empty desk in the corner of the room. 

'That's no problem, no problem at all,' I said hastily, bowing again. 

The boys chuckled.

'Well,' Namjoon said, clapping his hands together, 'we shall leave it at that for today. It's already late, and you're probably tired. We have a shoot early tomorrow morning, but feel free to sleep in on your first day. No need for pressure, this is your home now and we want you to become comfortable here. So don't work too hard on your first day, okay?' Namjoon smiled friendly. 

'Thank you so much,' I bowed at them. The boys chuckled again before turning around and leaving the room.

'Good night!' Hoseok waved at me.

The door closed behind them. 

I sat down on my bed and looked at my hands. This must be a dream right? It must be.

I pinched myself.

It hurt.

I let myself fall flat on my back on the bed. 

I couldn't believe it.

I was working directly for one of the biggest k-pop groups in the world!


T A E H Y U N G   P E R S P E C T I V E

'Do you think she's asleep by now?' I asked Seokjin. He turned around looking at the door. 

All of us were lounging in the living room after we had shown y/n her room. She hadn't come out since, and hours had already passed.

'I think she just had to unpack her stuff and settled down. But yeah, she's probably sleeping,' Seokjin said, understanding my concern.

'I can't believe she wasn't familiar with us,' Jimin said as he put down a card. He and Jungkook were playing poker. 

'I think it's rather funny,' Yoongi said. We all looked at him.

'I mean, how many resumes have we seen? Must have been over a hundred. And of all the people, we pick her, a girl who barely even knows who we are. It's funny,' he explained.

'I guess it is,' Hoseok shrugged. 

Jungkook suddenly put down all his cards. 

'Do you think she's okay?' he asked, now looking at her door too, his voice clearly concerned. 'I mean, maybe we should take a look to be sure,'

Jimin put down his cards now too.

Everyone was looking at her door now. 

'I'm going to take a peek,' I said impulsively. 

'Tae, no!' Namjoon hissed, but I had already crossed the room and was standing in front of her door. 

Very slowly and carefully I opened the door ever so slightly. The lights were still on. She was lying on her side on the bed, on top of the blankets. Her clothes were still on and her small suitcase was still in the same spot as when we had been inside.

Her eyes were closed. 

She was fast asleep.

'She's sleeping!' I mouthed at the boys, waving my hands.

Jungkook got up too and walked over, followed by Jimin. 

Carefully they peeked inside as well. 

They both smiled at each other.

'She even looks pretty when she sleeps,' Jimin whispered, a side smile on his face, waving at the others to come to take a look as well. 

Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Yoongi looked at each other for a second before standing up and coming over too. 

I held the door open for them.

They all took a peek at her and smiled.

Yoongi tiptoed into the room. I held my breath, as did the others.

Very carefully and quietly he put a blanket over her. 

She stirred and all of us froze on the spot. 

But she didn't wake up. She only moved her arm above her head, the way a model would pose. 

We all exhaled slightly. 

She looked beautiful. Not the way a model or an idol would look. But normal beautiful. Exactly our type. 

It had been very difficult picking someone to support us. For starters, it had been hard to convince the company that we needed one. They wanted to assign is personal assistants, but we didn't want that. We knew we needed someone to be with us in the household. To keep the peace.  To help us out. But we also didn't want someone to have just a work relationship with us. How would we ever listen to someone we just paid but we didn't really know at all? Or who didn't know us? 

Then we had to convince them that we wanted to pick the person ourselves. We had all agreed on this. We knew the company would probably choose someone who was highly qualified. Someone who'd be like a hotel manager or a school director. That's not what we wanted. We needed someone real. A person with feelings, who wouldn't see us as a job, to make money, or a means to climb the ladder or make a name for themselves. We wanted someone who was innocent. Who would and could be emotional with us, but also strict. Someone who would be our friend maybe more than anything.

When we first saw y/n's profile we chose to discard it. Agreeing that she would probably be too pretty. But as we kept rejecting resume after resume, we kept coming back to y/n. Eventually, we couldn't deny it anymore. We all wanted her. 

It was funny. We always share most of our stuff, even though we have different likes and dislikes. But we all agreed that whenever we saw her picture, she touched something in our hearts. 

We knew we would have a hard time. After all, we were men, and she was a woman. But we would try our best. 

I looked at her face. Now that she was here, actually here, not just a photo, she seemed even more beautiful. 

Images, thoughts, and urges started to awaken inside me as I watched her sleep. With some difficulty, I looked over at the other guys, who were watching you too. It was clear I was not the only one who felt this way about her. 

Jimin's eyes were narrowed.
Hobi's mouth was slightly open.
Jin was breathing a little faster than usual.
Jungkook was biting his lip and Namjoon was stroking his bottom lip with his thumb. 

Yoongi looked at me, smiling slightly. I knew he could see it in my face too. He turned off the light inside the room and carefully lifted my hand from the door, which I was still holding onto.

Quietly he closed the door. 

She had only been here a few hours, and we were already under her spell.

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