Chapter 47

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I PASSED OUT FOR a few hours, but real sleep wouldn’t come. Angela was going to make it. I’d gone to see her and brought her a burger and fries. Hospital food was the worst and I knew she would appreciate it. Hitting the gym, I spent most of my time pounding my body on the stair climber. I needed to clear my head, and that did it for me.

That evening I waited outside Hannah’s downtown apartment. Thanks to Rick and his handy friend Doug, I got her address. Seemed her apartment was also owned by Williams, Inc.

I was parked by the main elevators, so I had a clear view of anyone coming or going. An hour came and went, and around six I saw Hannah and her tight face appear. A black Town Car pulled up, and the driver got out and opened the door for her. I started my engine and backed out. I was going to follow her; it was all I could think to do.

She might lead me to Hank.

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