Chapter 56

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AN HOUR LATER, I was sitting in the visiting area waiting to see Glen Williams. He was being held at the state penitentiary, but in a posh cell. After cussing out the judge, I was not the acting lead on his case, so I got in without his lawyers present.

Glen shuffled in and sat down across from me, with just a piece of security glass between us. I picked up the phone and he smiled at me. I hated that smile. But this time I had him—he just didn't know it yet.

"Miss Steele, how nice of you to come visit me. How is the case going?" He was jeering at me.

"Not good, really. You seem to be one step ahead of everyone."

"It's easy when I'm innocent. The guilty are the only ones who need to hide."

I held back a gag. "I know who you are. I know why the DNA isn't a match, and I wanted to come down here and see the look in your eyes when this weak woman puts you away for life."

Glen's eyes darkened and he put on a fake smile. "You are a spunky one. I like the spunky ones. Maybe when I'm out, we can play again."

This time I didn't hesitate.

"Oh, don't worry. The game is over, and you lost." I paused. "Hank."

Hank's eyes darted back and forth, but he regained his composure and snarled. "How?"

It was my turn to smile. "Now, now, Hank, that would be too easy. I like it better this way. It is a game, after all. You figure it out."

With that, I hung up the phone and called for the guard. Hank glared at me and slammed the phone down with his left hand.

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