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   "I'm heading to the hotel now." Kei walked past the door but stopped seeing that his brother was sleeping. "Okay, I'll call you when I can."

"Sure." She replied ending the call.

   The boy looked at his watch 2:30am. He rubbed his eyes and glared at the boy, walking over and looking at the screens numbers, the template was still bare but already on the 17th page out of 50. Kei sighed and turned the screen, working on the numbers while also glaring at his older brother.

Even though training camp ended a few days ago, he stayed back in Tokyo to help at the company building. His father was thankful and pleased by his decision, even though he had already made plans with Yuri that he quickly had to cancel. 'It's fine.' It was the last thing she said to him before getting on the bus.
He thought that they made progress in the relationship, after seeing her cry and open up to him on their last night together, he was so sure that she would speak to him more and express her true feelings. Yet there he was watching her expressionless face disappear into the bus. It was bad enough that he had to cancel plans with her but he barely had any time to text her or even call her, going to meetings or talking to his mother who was the most supportive of his volleyball career and wanted Akiteru to follow his own dreams.

Kei glared at his older brother, silently cursing at him and thinking about how pathetic it was of him to be sleeping when he should help out since he was older and if anything, would most likely be the heir of their company with Kei just below him.

   After another two hours he sighed loudly and sat back pulling off his glasses, rubbing his eyes. The strain of staring at a screen all day was taking a toll on his vision.

"God I need coffee." He grumbled and finally pulled the sheets from under his brother's head instantly waking him from his slumber. "Go to bed."

Akiteru shook away the sleepiness and saw the time. "What are you still doing here?!"

"Your job." The younger blonde left the room.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a sip, pulling out his phone just to see he most likely wasn't going to get any sleep.

"Stop pushing yourself, let's go." Akiteru said taking the cup and dumping out the contents. "The numbers aren't needed for another month."
Kei glared at him and walked way. Akiteru nudged him. "So how are you and Tadashi? I heard he was practicing his serves, I hope he gets better the kid has lots of talent." Silence. "Mom said that she saw Yuri-chan at the grocery store. How's that going?"

Kei glared at him, simply walking away. "Uh, mom also said that you were staying in the club! That's great news." His smile fell as they walked side by side until they were at their proper doors. "Let's get breakfast together, my treat. Night."

Kei stepped into his own room taking off his jacket and tie tossing them to the closest chair while he walked into the bathroom to shower.


Are you still up?

Why the hell are you
texting me at this time?


   A smirk danced on his lips as he watched the bubbles on his phone, he still didn't like the fact that she was up so late but he did enjoy any little chance they had to communicate.


I wanted to be annoying.

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