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Kei looked at his phone still seeing the lists of notifications, some from work and some from Yuri, Tadashi, and his parents. A part of him was tired but felt like he needed to at least call the girl, since he had a few messages from the girl checking up on him and asking if he was okay. The lunch soon turned to dinner as an unexpected turn of events, it wasn't Emiko's fault as she just wanted to have dinner delivered to her room but Kei insisted as his attempt to kiss up.

   He did end up calling Yuri, the phone rang a few times before he saw her, a soft smile on her face. Akiteru came back to the table and Kei told him the girl had already left before he got up leaving as well.

   "Well look who decided to call." She whispered.

   "Fine I'll hang up and you can call me." He spoke, walking out of the dining hall.

   "I was kidding." She said.

   "You were kidding? That's rare, are you okay?"
He knew that whenever she got like this it was most likely because someone guilted her as if she was being a bad girlfriend or she felt guilty on her own. He enjoyed teasing her at these times and smiled at her.

   The two spoke, a few times she would end up writing on the notepad, getting Kei a few odd looks from the residents when it looked like he was having a conversation on his own as he walked to his room. He finally made it into the dark room.

   "I'll be back by Saturday night just before the break ends." Kei assured the girl.

   'Will you be busy?'

   "No, I'll be free all of Sunday." He set his phone down on the table and pulled off his jacket. "I'm going to spend the entire day with you. Just the two of us."

   'You sound creepy.'

   He chuckled. "Fine. Yuri will you spend all of Sunday with me on a date." The boy unbuttoned his shirt, she blushed watching him as it slipped off his shoulders.

   "Sure." She replied.

The boy crouched down and smirked seeing that she was pinker than he was. "So Sunday just you and I."

   'Yeah.' She weakly smiled.

   "Yuri! Go to sleep." They both rolled their eyes.

   "I'll call you when I can." He assured her.


・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⋆

   Yuri pressed the button for the crosswalk, she had just told Kei to not overwork himself but it was already past that point. She did worry about him but felt like telling him would be wrong on her part. Her own worry was already making her feel guilty even if she knew it was okay to feel that way especially about someone she cared about. Kei had already shown signs of getting sick every now and then but never has he really been sick which wasn't good.

   She walked into the shop and said good morning to her boss, starting to work. It wasn't very busy as always which gave the girl time to study her math since that's was she was almost failing, she found it boring and didn't pay much attention when the subject was being taught. Her parents would be coming home for a few days, only because they wanted to see their exam scores.

   A few hours later Tadashi came into the store and bought something only so they could walk to her house together. They stopped my the park as she was helping him practice his serves.

   "Have you talked to him?" She asked the boy.

   "No, but I asume its because he's talking to you on his free time, which I don't mind." He told her just as he served.

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