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• Yuri's POV •

The weekend came a lot quicker than I had expected, mostly because I was slowly moving into this place in order to not let my family know I was moving out or the neighbors since apparently they like to talk and either would follow me just to find out where I was living.
Not something I wanted.
   I had officially finished moving in last night, leaving nothing but the furniture that belonged to them and the envelope of money my mother would undoubtedly want and continue to ask for until I fully paid it back. The money was savings from my last job which was going to be Kōshi's university money.

I woke up to my alarm blaring at six in the morning, a request from Tsukishima as my first task. He sent me a message as soon as I turned my alarm off. Coffee orders.

Just do it, he's paying you. I got out of bed and quickly got ready because I would be running late with the coffee orders.
   I got into the nice outfit, Tsukishima assigned Emiko to be my mentor which was great but also not the best, since I feared she would tell Kei about everything.

   After doing my hair and a light bit of makeup I got my keys and checked through the mail to find the debit card. I'm going to be in so much debt. I walked out of my apartment and hurried to the train station.

I had expected to feel a bit sad, but I didn't. I felt like I no longer had to sneak around my mother, I no longer had to do things I didn't want to do. It was slightly liberating.
   No one knew where I was living except for Emiko and Tadashi, Emiko for obvious reasons and well Tadashi was out one night while I was sneaking out with a bag of my stuff. I told him the truth about everything and told him to keep it from Kei.

"That's why he's been going back to Tokyo?"

Kei has been working in Tokyo every now and then and was currently there for the weekend. We didn't talk much about it since we were broken up.


I put in a pick up order, I picked it up and rushed to the building, from a whole block away I could see all the cars in the parking building and people being dropped off.
I walked in to see the lobby was still clean and pretty empty, a few chairs and tables that held magazines produce by the company. There was soft Christmas music playing as the holiday was coming up in a few days.

They took Mrs. Tsukishima's plans for decorating as serious as she wanted them. It was very elegant and comforting.

"Yuri!" I looked at Kei's older brother in a suit. "Good Morning."

"Morning Akiteru."

He smiles, taking the trays "Here, leave these with Hayashi. Will you take these up for me?"

"Yes, Tsukishima."


"Don't worry about that, we have to get you a company ID." He holds up the ID. "I'll be showing you around and then dad's gonna give you your schedule for the day."

I nod and follow him. We go up and I had to sit down for a picture, following him out as he took me through most of the building where I would mostly be working.
He showed me Kei's office, which was a lot nicer than I would have expected it. Akiteru finished showing me around and took me up to his father's office. He knocked and stuck his head in, smiling to tell me I can go in.

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