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ʚ|| Emiko's POV ||ɞ

I changed into the gym uniform telling the other girls to go ahead, I saw the girl write something on a notepad and turn it to the blonde timid one. Yachi nodded and left leaving us alone which was good for me. Yuri started to get changed, I walked over and smiled at her, she didn't return it this time.

"Hi." I said and she nodded. "Uh I just wanted to apologize for yesterday."

She glanced at me and pulled on her shirt before picking up the notepad and scribbling something down, then she turned it so I could read it.

'It's okay.'

"Does Tsukishima talk much about work?" I asked.

She shook her head and finished getting changed before walking out. I followed her and hooked my arm around hers.

"Listen if he ever gives you trouble then talk to me."

She glanced down. "Please don't touch me." She pulled away and walked over to stretch.

"She doesn't talk much." A girl came over. "I heard she used to get bullied a lot growing up. I have a friend who goes to Shiratorizawa, her nickname was freak up until this year."


"Even when they beat her up she wouldn't cry or fight back, almost as of she didn't feel anything." The girl continued. "Ena, don't hang around her."

I smiled. "Just because she was like that then doesn't make it right for you to treat her any different." I turned to them. "Lets go."

ʚ|| 3RD POV ||ɞ

"A date?" Tadashi pulled on his shirt. "But you work on the weekends and Yuri has tutoring after school. You also work and you're having Nakamura teach you proper work etiquette. Which reminds me, when are you gonna tell Yuri about her."

Kei stopped and looked at him. "On my date with her." He smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Tadashi watched him leave, he wondered what the couple would do since they were both spending less time together. The trio itself was more like a duo between the three, it was never the three of them. He coughed into his elbow and saw the blood, he rolled his eyes and sighed heading to the Shimada grocery store.
He pulled out his phone and stared at the abandoned groupchat, seeing that it hadn't been opened for the last four months.


Let's make plans to
hang out soon. All of us.


He didn't expect a reply, in fact he wasn't sure what he was doing with that request. All that he knew was that he wanted to hang out with them even if it was just to sit in the park doing absolutely nothing. I want to be with them one last time.


Let's make plans to
hang out soon. All of us.



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