IV. To be yours 2

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(Childhood friends name) = CH


"I'm home"

You saw a familiar face in front of you. A face that looks so mature now. With the emotions that you had a while ago mixed up with relief and great longing. Your eyes started to swell up as tears rolled down your cheeks.

"Is that really you? (Childhood best friend's name)?" you slowly walks towards him and scan him. "You gave grown so much (CH), you're taller than me as well!" you exclaimed and ruffles his brown locks.

"When will you give me a hug?" he asked and chuckles, you started crying harder and hug him tightly and he returns it. He nuzzles on the crook of your neck and muttered "I missed you so much (Y/n)." his arms around your waist and yours around his neck.

(This will be a 1st POV)

I don't know if I am allowed to feel what I am feeling right now. As I look at (Y/n) hugging with her so-called childhood friend. My jaw tightened and I clenched my fist.

I took deep breaths so I wouldn't ruin the atmosphere with my sour mood. After a while they decided to let go of each other now. (Y/n) looked back at me and saw me still standing at the doorway.

She cleared her throat and said, "This is (C/n)" she introduced me to her friend. "Nice to meet you." I greeted him and offered my hand which he gladly shake. "I am (CH), it is good to meet you too."

As if (Y/n) suddenly had a sore throat she suddenly started coughing. She glared at (CH) and he smirked in return. I, again had this sharp pain in my chest which I ignored.

"Let's go eat now. You too (C/n)." her mom smiled said and we finally entered the dining room.

The table was filled with food, and in the wall there are decorations and words that said 'Welcome Home'.

All of us started eating and I sat in one of the chair beside (Y/n), and on the other side there (CH) sat, basically we sandwiched (Y/n).

Everyone was happy from the comeback. And I was there eating silently occasionally talking to her relatives.

"You too are so adorable together!" One of (Y/n)'s sister said. My heart dropped and my hand stopped halfway from eating the ice cream. "Yeah, they do look good together." I muttered.

Everyone fell silent, and I sat there awkwardly from everyone's stare. "Oh my, looks like someone is jealous." (CH) suddenly blurted out. My heart is beating so fast I think it can be heard across the room.

"We are talking about you (C/n) and (Y/n)! What do you mean they both look good together?" Her sister exclaimed. "Are you referring to (CH) and (Y/n)? Do you know how old is this guy? He's 24 years old!" She laughed and pointed her fingers at (CH) mocking his age.

He just walk to her and ruffled her hair while the room was filled with laughter. I looked for (Y/n)'s eyes and saw it bright. I dont want to ruin it, but still I want it to be mine.

She looks so beautiful, "I like you" I suddenly said and she turned her face to me. "W-what?"

"Huh?" everyone is quiet again and everyone started cheering all of the sudden. The confetti on the floor was picked up and thrown at us.

She started crying, and I grab her and wrap my arms around her. I whispered sweet things to her while everyone else took a picture.

"I– I didn't expected this reply." she said. "I– are you sure about this? Maybe you're just pressured." she added. And I shake my head and tuck a hair behind her ear. "I realized it when you're in someone else's arms. and I didn't liked it." I confessed with a blush across my cheeks.

"I guess my age isn't really evident in my handsome face." (CH) said and strike a pose in which everyone laugh. "What do you mean handsome? You're ugly!" (Y/n) sister argued and they started bickering.

I focused my attention on (Y/n) again and wipe her cheeks with my thumb. "It's just, I want to be yours and you to be mine."

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